Part 3

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Rebecca got out of bed and grabbed her phone, dialed the number and waited for an answer.

"Hello darling" a voice answered.


"You know it's odd to get a call from squirrel's girl in the middle of the night" Crowley spoke. 

"Yeah well I need to meet up with you"

"And why would that be? If it's about your ex-lover boy then you can forget it"

"He's not my ex-" Rebecca got really tense and had to calm herself before she went on.

"Look, I just need to talk to you in person. So meet me at the spot in an hour" 

"How about no?" Crowley made sure to add his famous sass.

"What? What do you mean no?" 

"Bee, it's the middle of the night" Sam and Dean have nicknames, so of course Rebecca needs one too.

"Yeah, and? You don't need sleep, you're a demon!"

"And you're human, and need sleep" Rebecca was silent in anger on the other end of the line.

"Look, I will meet you at the spot tomorrow, when it's day... say, 11?" Bec huffed in defeat, she knew he wouldn't budge.

"I can't at 11 so make it... 8" 

"Good, 8 it is" they were just about to hang up and Crowley added.

"Get some sleep Bee" Becca internally smiled and hung up.

She figured that she might as well try and get some sleep, after all at least now she had a plan in motion. 

That night was pretty restless but Bec got about 3 hours of sleep which was better then nothing. Becca had a shower since she had to go to a public place and got dressed into something more presentable then bloody hunting clothes. She knew that Sam would be on his morning run so it wouldn't be a problem getting out of the bunker unnoticed. 

She'd let Sam know where she went once she got back but if he knew now, then he would for sure stop her from going. It was Crowley after all and Sam still partially blamed him for Dean.

After Bec was ready she left the bunker to meet Crowley. It was a bit of a walk but Becca couldn't bring herself to drive baby. Rebecca sat down at a table and waited for Crowley. She took a deep breath and prepared herself to face people again. It had been a while since she had interacted with anyone apart from Sam, Cas and demon Dean, so she tried to remember how to act. Luckily for her, her people skills weren't rusty.

"Bit early aren't we?" Bec heard a familiar voice in front of her, her head was faced down.

"Well I guess you could say I was eager to meet your acquaintance" Becca looked up to him on the last word.

"If only that were true, now what do you want?" Crowley sat down across from her. 

"I want to know where Dean is" Rebecca stated bluntly.

"You know I don't know that" Rebecca took a breath.

"Well what do you know?"

"I wish I could help but I already told you, I don't know anything"

"You have spent the most time with him since," Becca cut herself short. 

"You must know something" she continued normally.

"Anything, that could help me find him and/or get him back... please" Rebecca tried to mask her desperation but Crowley could see straight through it.

"Wh-what about, humanity? Have you seen anything that could, suggest that he has some left?" Crowley thought for a moment while Bec stared at him hopefully.

"I haven't seen any form of humanity... but he did do something that was, unusual, for a demon to do" Becca looked at him expectantly. 

"He cut himself, then watched it heal" Rebecca looked down in thought and Crowley spoke as if he read her mind.

"He had no reason, he didn't need it for a spell or anything, and he only did it once. And it was at a bar" Bec looked at him when he was talking and nodded her head.

"And that's all I know. Now if you will excuse me, I have some business to attend to" Crowley stood up and Rebecca mirrored him.

"Okay uhm, thanks" Crowley smiled a goodbye at her and vanished.

Rebecca was still in deep thought, what did that mean? Did it even mean anything? She sighed and walked back to the bunker. 

Becca reached the bunker and as she opened the door she bumped into a distressed looking Sam. 

"Rebecca!" Sam said while grabbing her shoulders gently to get a good look at her. He examined her face to see if she had any injuries. 

"Sam!" she mimicked his actions and grabbed onto his elbows because she couldn't quite reach his shoulders. Sam looked at her in disbelief.

"Where the hell were you?" he ask slightly pissed off at her calm temperament when his was worried sick.   

"Sorry I didn't tell you where I went but I knew that you wouldn't let me go if, I told you" Becca looked down at the end of her sentence. Sam pulled his arms away. 

"Rebecca, where did you go?" he asked in an emotionless tone. 

"I uhh went to see, um Crowley" she answered innocently.

"You-" Sam began then looked away only to look back at her with his bitch face on.

"You what?" Becca just smiled awkwardly at him. Sam sighed and walked down the stairs with Becca following. Rebecca sat down and Sam turned to her.

"Becs, why would you go see Crowley?" Sam asked calmly to Bec's surprise.

"I needed to find out anything about Dean because I am sick of doing nothing. And talking to Crowley was the only thing I could think of, that we haven't done" Sam put his head in his palm and wiped his face. 

"Well did you get anything?" Rebecca was really surprised that he wasn't mad. Sam on the other hand, was actually really mad. But he knew that she'd already gone and spoken to him and it actually wasn't a bad idea. He was just mad that she put herself in danger. 

"Um well, I mean not much but, Crowley did tell me something that Dean did that was unusual" Sam stayed quiet so that she could continue.

"He said that he saw Dean at a bar, cut himself then watch it heal. He said that there was no obvious reason. I-I mean I've been thinking about it a-and I, I don't know if it means anything" Bec looked up at Sam and his face suggested that he knew something. Sam looked at Rebecca.

"Becs um. He wouldn't want me to tell you this... but, Dean, he... he used to cut" Becca silently gasped.

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