Part 6

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Castiel appeared with his angel blade in hand, ready for this to be a trap. He looked around and the first thing he noticed was Dean standing in front of him, all bloody and an ashamed look on his face. He slightly relaxed when he saw Dean to be no obvious threat and looked around the repelling room. Cas saw some legs behind Dean but couldn't quite see anything else so he stared at Dean waiting for him to say or do something to explain why he was called here.

Dean noticed that Castiel was waiting on him but he was reluctant to let his best friend see what he had done. He slowly moved to the side for Cas to see Becca's body. Castiel gasped and ran to Bec's side, making sure to keep and eye on Dean in case he attacked. Castiel examined Rebecca's body, seeing each and every one of the holes, cuts, slashes, bruises and wounds decorating it. Blood covered her entire body and their surroundings. Rebecca was naked but Castiel didn't think anything of it. 

He turned to see Dean looking at the ground. 

"Dean did you...?" Cas asked, unsure on what was going on.

"Just heal her... please" Dean kept his gaze focused on the ground until the last word, he looked at Cas then slightly down to see the mess he made. In an instant he looked away, the guilt tearing at him. Castiel turned back to Becca and started to heal her. As soon as Cas had his back to Dean, he took off. He couldn't handle it anymore. He couldn't be there anymore. Not after what he did. The mistake he just made.

He went straight back to the place he was staying, took a shower and threw his bloody clothes in the bin. The realisation and guilt of what he did was getting to him. He knew he needed to do something about it.

Cas looked back to see Dean no where in sight. There was so much damage to Becca that Cas couldn't heal her all at once. So he teleported himself and Rebecca back to the bunker. Bec was laid on the bed that her and Dean used to share. First Cas put some clothes on her, he didn't want her feeling uncomfortable when she woke up. Castiel started to heal her, knowing it would take a while, and a lot of his energy. Becca started to stir half way through so Cas put her to sleep so she wouldn't have to deal with what happened while still being badly injured.

Castiel finally finished healing Rebecca but didn't have enough strength to completely heal her. Unfortunately Becca would have to live with some of the scars that she had gotten from Dean. Cas had some stuff that he needed to do so he left Rebecca after making sure that she was stable. Before Cas completely left, he stopped in on Sam who had gotten up and gone back to the motel to regroup to go find Bec. 

"Sam" Castiel said trying not to startle Sam. Sam whipped his head around at the voice.

"Cas hey, uh we found Dean but he got the drop on us and now he has Rebecca" Sam told Cas with hurt and worry lacing his voice. 

"Sam I know, Dean called me. I went to him and I found Rebecca lying unconscious on the floor , she... was in very bad shape. I healed her and now she's at the bunker" Sam jumped up and started packing while replying to Cas.

"Uhh ok, I'm gonna go to her now, is she ok?" he stopped to ask Castiel. Sam was extremely worried about Becca and he felt really guilty that he couldn't protect her.

"She's fine, I put her to sleep but unfortunately I couldn't heal every bit of her. She does still have some scars that I can't get rid of, I'm sorry" Cas did regret to inform Sam and he was upset that he wasn't there to stop this, but at least now Rebecca was safe at the bunker.

Sam's heart dropped, she still had scars, scars to remind her of what happened, as if it wasn't going to be hard enough. 

"Ok uh thank you Cas" Cas nodded.

"Call me if you need anything" Cas then vanished. Sam finished packing as quickly as he could. He headed out the door and got in baby then heard his phone buzz. He looked at the screen and what he saw shocked him. He answered.

"Dean?" he asked into the phone.

"Hiya Sammy" Sam stayed quiet, not exactly knowing how to approach this situation. He did notice how weak Dean sounded.

"Look, I ne- I need your help" Dean's gruff voice was low and quivering and he sounded desperate.

"Please meet me in the church near the warehouse we were just in. It's not a trap I jus- I need my brother" Sam still didn't say anything, still figuring out what to say. After a few seconds of waiting, Dean hung up. He could only hope that his brother would come for him. Sam put his phone down and thought. It could be a trap and he did need to get back to Bec, but Cas did say that she was stable and safe and how could he ignore his own brothers cry for help. Even though he was a demon Sam, and Becca for that matter, still believed in him. He decide to go meet his brother to see if his voice matched his intentions.

Sam reached the church and cautiously walked in, keeping an eye open. Once inside he heard some rattling to his right and quickly aimed his gun that way.

"Sammy" a familiar voice croaked out. He saw a figure get closer to him until he saw in the light that it was Dean. Dean looked frail and helpless. As Dean got closer, Sam realised that Dean was about to collapse. Sam lunged forward and caught his older brother, he maneuvered Dean so that he was sitting down.

"Dean wha-? What happened?" Sam had his hands on Dean's shoulders, which was the only thing holding him up. He looked Dean up and down, trying to find a reason as to why Dean was acting like this. He noticed a dark patch on Dean's sleeve so he rolled it up. He saw blood but no open wound. He then noticed syringes on the ground next to him.

"I need to go back" Dean whispered. 

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