Part 13

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Crowley was completely shocked after Dean told him what happened. He expected something bad but nothing like that. If Rebecca hadn't been watching he would have ripped into Dean. Crowley was kidding when he said being a demon wasn't an excuse. He knows that Dean wasn't in his right mind. But he didn't think even his demon version had that in him. He wished that he was there to help Becca though. She is going to have a very hard time trusting him again. Soon enough they came back to the bathroom.
"Ok let's finish this" Dean said as Becca sat down silently on the toilet seat. Crowley really wanted to make a comment but decided against it for Rebecca's sake. This time around Dean stood on standby, she was really good with her arm so hopefully she didn't need to be held still. And Becca did do really well. There was only one particularly deep one that Dean just had to keep her distracted for.
"Okay all done, Dean you can go now" Crowley stated.
"Ahh ok yeah, I'll be in our room" Bec gave him a defeated smile as he left the room. She braced herself for what Crowley was going to say.
"Bee, what are you feeling? And don't lie"
"Crowley I-I don't know what I'm feeling. I'm maybe angry and confused and, no definitely angry at myself and-"
"Why are you angry at yourself? You didn't make this happen"
"Yeah but he didn't either, and for some reason my brain can't decipher him from demon him. And all I want is to be normal, and normally if something like this happened he would just hold me until everything was better. But I can't stand him being near me let alone touching me"
"Bee you know this is a completely normal reaction though. It doesn't matter what mind he was in, his face and body still did it. And you see it every time you remember that night. That will not change, eventually you might be able to get past it, but the face won't change" Crowley was right, she's just going to have to be patient.
"Thankyou Crowley, for helping me. I really appreciate it"
"Anytime Bumble Bee" and just like that Crowley was gone. Ok, now it was time to learn to trust Dean again.

Dean waited nervously in their room. She might not even be coming but he got the tv and snacks sorted anyway. When he heard a knock on the door he got excited, then nervous.
"Come in" Becca peeked through the door before coming in fully. She left the door open a smidge, just to make her feel better.
"Hey" she said quietly.
"Hey, I didn't know what we wanted to watch but it's on Netflix and there are some snacks here too" Becca loved that this wasn't even Dean trying, he was always this sweet and did things like this often.
"Ok Thankyou" Bec slowly walked over to the bed and sat down under the covers. The snacks were in the middle of the bed between them. For easy access and separation. Becca appreciated this. Dean carefully sat down on his side and handed Rebecca the remote. Becca quickly took it but didn't look up at him.
"Thanks, what do you feel like watching?"
After a few hours of tv they started to feel more and more comfortable with each other. The tv helped them forget about what happened and just be together. Eventually the snacks ran out and Dean moved the empty trays off the bed. Bec felt herself getting slightly anxious but forced herself the relax. Dean laid back down.
"Dean?" Rebecca spoke softly.
"Yeah" Dean looked over at her with his gorgeous green eyes that felt like they were searching her soul.
"Can I ask you something?" Becca asked not being able to tear her eyes away from his. She was lucky she didn't make much eye contact with him during the incident, she'd hate not being able to stare into his eyes.
"Of course" Dean turned his body to face her a bit better.
"Um, when we were looking for you I asked Crowley if he knew where you were or if he knew anything, he said no but then he told me that you did something weird for a demon" Becca looked down and Dean got worried about what she was going to ask.
"He said that, well that you cut yourself once and he didn't know why, so I was just wondering why you did that?" Becca decided not to mention that Sam had already told her about what Dean used to do.
"Oh uhh, I don't really remember doing anything like that" he was not masking his nerves very well.
"He said it was in a bar and you just did it then watched it heal"
"Oh yeah I think I was just seeing how quickly I could heal, you know being a demon. I do remember it was really fast" He was lying to her, he still didn't want her to know and she didn't understand why.
"Oh right well I guess that was at least a perk of being a demon"
"Haha yeah I guess so, now what do we want to watch now?" He was glad he could finish that conversation quickly. Rebecca was not.
"I was actually going to go back to bed, this day has made me sleepy. I liked hanging out with you though, Thankyou" Bec started to get up and head to the door.
"Yeah of course, anytime but Becs I know this is weird and hard but if you, you know feel any urges please find me or Sam, hell even call Crowley. But please try your hardest not to do that again"
"I promise I will try my best, Thankyou" Becca stepped out of the door but poked her head back in.
"I'm glad your back" she gave him a smile and headed back to her room. On the way she heard a panicked Sam, speed walking around the hall ways until he flew around the corner to be greeted by Becca. He stopped and took a minute to comprehend who was in front of him.
"Oh thank god!" He walked forward and gave Bec a hug. She was really startled by this. He pulled back and looked at her confused face.
"Becca I couldn't find you, I thought something happened! Where were you?"
"I was, I was just with Dean we were watching movies, sorry I didn't mean to stress you out" Becca was stunned at Sams panic.
"Ok that's good" Sam let out a big breath.
"Wait you were watching movies with Dean? That's great! That's good, how did it go?"
Bec decided not to tell Sam everything that happened this evening but he could know the good parts.
"Yeah it was pretty good, I mean I could sit near him and not panic so that's something"
"Yeah that's great I'm glad" Sam gave her a warm smile.
"Well I was going to make some dinner, are you hungry?" Rebecca thought about it, she was a little hungry but she could manage that, it's not like she was starving. And the less she eats the better, this would be easy.
"No I'm not really, I think I'm just going to go to sleep"
"Mmm ok well in case you change your mind I'll make a plate up anyway. I'm making my specialty"
"Yumm I'll definitely have some tomorrow! Thanks Sam" Becca turned for the hall.
"Goodnight" Sam was so glad that there was some type of normalcy between the two. Dean and Rebecca watching movies together, that was such an improvement.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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