Chapter Nine: One shall fall

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"And it was written in the covenant of Primus that when the forty-seven spheres align, a perpetual conflict will culminate upon a world forged from chaos, and the weak shall perish in the shadows of a rising darkness," Optimus told all of us here an old prophecy.

"No skies raining fire?" Arcee asked.

"Goes without saying. It is a doomed prophecy, after all," Ratchet said.

"I say it's a load of hooey," Bulk said.

"I kinda agree with Bulk. When there is one, it doesn't go the way it was written. At least, that's what I've heard," I said, "but where does this prophecy say this event will happen?"

"I'd always assumed the ancients were referring to our home planet, but being that Cybertron has been dark for aeons..." Ratchet said.

"And considering what has befallen this planet since Megatron's arrival here..." Optimus said.

"Woah, woah, woah. We've known about these superstitions for ages and never gave them a second thought," Bulk said.

"Why all the ominous rumblings now?" I asked.

"Because the planetary alignment to which the prophecy refers is nearly upon us," Optimus explained.

"And it would seem its endpoint... is Earth," Ratchet said.

"Uh... crazy coincidence, heh, r-right?" Bulk said unsure.

"How long are we talking?" Arcee asked.

"A few days at most," Ratchet said.

"However unsettling this revelation may be, I am more concerned about those who might believe that the prophecy speaks to them alone," Optimus said.

Well, I can tell that this week will be interesting. If we even have a week. Later that night, I was with the children looking at a conspiracy website looking for any of the bots. We found Bee. The picture pointed out that Bee had no driver so Raf changed the picture to a funny cat. Ratchet was watching and he actually laughed. Jack asked Optimus if he wanted to see but he said no.

Turns out Primes are built that way. Apparently, they've never seen Optimus laugh, cry or lose his cool. I mean, throughout the weeks that we've been dating, the most I get out of him is a smile or a chuckle. A new member of our team, June, Jack's mum, offered a romantic film for Optimus and me to watch. Titanic. I cried but Optimus was stone-faced.

Well, he had compassion for the people on the ship and the main characters but not a tear left his eye. Back to the subject at hand, apparently Optimus wasn't always a Prime. He was different. On Cybertron, no one is born to be a Prime but it's earned. I can see Optimus earning to be a Prime.

Miko asked what Optimus was like before and apparently, he was much like Jack. That I don't see in Optimus but I was probably a lot different before I became half fox. And I can't judge a book by its cover. We're all different in our own way. Jack denied that he was like Optimus when Fowler called.

"Prime! Those tech heists my department's been tracking- we figured it was MECH on account of the stealth tactics until moments ago when a security feed at the Pennington ebbs partical collider captured this."

Fowler showed a picture of Soundwave. The silent, faceless communications officer for the Decepticons. Of course, he might be second in command now that Starscream is no longer part of the team. Tried to trick us to let him join, I know that.

"Soundwave," Jack said.

"Raf can swap that out for you with a funny cat," Miko said.

"The 'Con without a face made off with a cutting-edge phase conductor. Here's a punch list of everything else we've confirmed stolen to date," Fowler showed a long list.

Optimus figured out what they're building. A Spacebridge. Much like a Groundbridge but it takes us to another planet instead of another location on the planet. I think anyway. Optimus and his team blew up the first one, that's how Megatron was unconscious when Bee was looking for the Cybonic Plague cure. A while later, the Decepticons attacked again at a military lab.

The soldiers are dealing with them until Optimus and his team arrived but Optimus told Fowler to evacuate the soldiers. They went there and the rest of us stayed put and Ratchet told Bee to drop Raf off so he to bridge him safely back to base. That never happened. Minutes later, Arcee and Bee came back after Optimus requested a Groundbridge but Arcee was holding an unconscious Raf in her arms.

Ratchet got Raf into his lab and scanned him. Energon blast from Megatron. But something didn't smell right. Literally. I know what Energon smells like and it smells really nice but Raf smells different but still familiar. Ratchet raged that he didn't know what to do with Raf or have the right tools. Jack called his mother. She is a nurse but can she help treat Raf?

Ratchet bridged her to base and started checking everything. Ratchet told her what he needs to do to find out what treatment he can use on Raf when June snapped at him telling him if Raf isn't stabilised, he won't leave the medical table alive. Oh no, hurry! That's when I realized, throughout this whole panic, Optimus and Bulk weren't here.

They're probably trying to save the world so may as well ignore it for now. Bee was angry that he got Raf hurt and wanted revenge but Arcee told him it won't help him now. Optimus checked in but I wanted to remember that smell on Raf. It's too familiar to forget.

Soon, Optimus and Bulk came back to base with what the Decepticons took earlier. June told Jack to get Raf into her car to take him to the emergency room. That's when I remembered. That's not Energon. That's Dark Energon!

"Ratchet, that's not Energon affecting Raf, it's Dark Energon. I remember the smell from when Megatron made Bee get some!" I told Ratchet.

Ratchet checked his scans on Raf, "(Y/N)'s right!" Ratchet started scanning Raf again, "if Dark Energon is devouring Raf from the inside out, we must expel it and fast, the only way I know how. I need Energon!"

Ratchet picked up an Energon beaker.

"Wait. You said Energon was devastating to humans," June said.

"Under normal circumstances, quite. But I am relying upon the dark matter currently invading Rafael's body to meet it head-on"

Bee donated some Energon and Ratchet connected it to the chamber everyone goes in for a proper scan and put Raf in. Ratchet activated the chamber and a bright glow came from it. We went in and June checked his pulse. It was stabilizing. Ratchet reported to Optimus that his idea worked but Optimus wasn't even here! Turns out he was battling Megatron alone and told Bulk to come back to base. Ratchet thought it could be a trap so he got a fix on Optimus' location. He was at a volcano. But it had a Dark Energon signature coming out of it. Wait, he's there?!


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