Chapter Fourteen: Orion Pax. Part Two

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We were testing the Groundbridge to see if Ratchet had extended its range only for it to fail when Raf drove his remote control car into it and it's was destroyed. I assured Ratchet that it was only the first try but he said it was pure folly and a misguided act of desperation. He's not wrong but still. Raf then told Ratchet of the time he managed to climb to the top of a rope in gym class after talking to Bee about it and practising a lot.

I guess he's telling Ratchet that these things are possible with determination. Of course, Ratchet didn't get the meaning of it and snapped at him. Raf left and I went for a walk somewhere after asking to be Groundbridged to a random forest. While I walked, however, I met a Decepticon but he or she was injured. They might know where the Spacebridge is!

"Decepticon!" I say running up to them.

"A human?" They asked.

Perfect. It's Starscream. He might know something.

"I'm with the Autobots. Where is Optimus?"

"Have Ratchet patch me up and perhaps I'll tell you," I didn't do anything and Starscream growled, "have sympathy! I'm leaking here!"

"Then I suggest that you speak quickly. Has Optimus been harmed in any way?"

"He's fine. Fine. Can't you see I'm the one who has been harmed?"

"Where is he?!"

"WHERE DO YOU THINK?! He's on Megatron's warship!"

"Located where?"

Starscream chuckled a little, "now? Who knows. It's a ship. It moves. It took me months to track, only to get fired upon."

"Maybe I was wrong. Maybe you don't have the information I need."

Starscream sighed, "very well. Your beloved leader may have lost his senses. He goes by the name Orion Pax now, and it seems Megatron has led him to believe he's a Decepticon."

"Tell me something I don't know."

"What?! How can you possibly know that?!"

I'm wasting my time. I started walking away.

"Wait! That's all I know! Really! You can't just leave me like this!" Starscream called after me.

"Alright then," I turned to him, "you tell me where Megatron's Spacebridge is and I'll call Ratchet. If you don't tell me, you can stay here and rust."

Starscream gasped, "Spacebridge? Do you mean to tell me they actually finished building it without my supervision?!"

So he does know where it is. I called Ratchet with a phone I was given a while ago and he arrived with Bulk. We got the location and Ratchet fixed Starscream. Ratchet put the location of the Spacebridge.

"The Decepticon Spacebridge is located right here," Ratchet said pointing to the screen, "deep within an Energon mine."

"Adjacent to a raw fuel supply. Clever. What's our intel?" Arcee asked.

"A... reliable source," Ratchet said, "so, do we have a consensus?"

"Do we know if people can even breath your atmosphere?" June asked.

"I'll hook (Y/N) up," Fowler said as June looked at us, "completely state of the art. I still have connections at NASA."

"It's too dangerous," June said.

"June, I know this is hard, but Optimus risked his life to save our planet, and he's not even human. We owe it to him," I said.

"(Y/N) may be the only one who can do this, June," Arcee said, "but I don't want you to think for one moment that I'll allow her to travel unchaperoned."

"Not everyone is destined for an ordinary life," Ratchet said, "Optimus Prime was Orion Pax after all."

"Well, I have always been curious of Cybertron," I say.

"We will groundbridge directly into the Energon mine and make our way to and Spacebridge chamber, neutralizing any Decepticon forces we encounter. Once we secure the Spacebridge, we'll send for (Y/N)," Ratchet explained, "stealth must be an absolute priority. We will most certainly be outnumbered, and if any Decepticon should transmit an alert to their warship..."

"The odds become four-hundred to one," Bulk said.

"Scrambling communications upon entry will certainly provide an edge in this regard," Ratchet said.

"Taking the bridge is the easy part. You three need to hold it long enough for (Y/N) and me to get to Cybertron and back," Arcee said.

"Rafael climbed to the top of the rope in gym class. We can do this," Ratchet said.

"What does gym class have to do with anything?" Miko asked, "and if Ratchet gets to go in a commando raid, I'm going too."

"Miko, you will help Rafael operate our Groundbridge and manage our communications hub," Ratchet said and Miko was annoyed at that, "and Nurse Darby will stand by in case of emergency."

Fowler came back to tell me to suit up. I got into the spacesuit as the bots went to the mine. Once they told us that they had the Spacebridge so I was Groundbridged to the mine. Ratchet locked on to Cybertron and told us he's keeping it open so me and Arcee are easier to locate. I ask why he wasn't bridging is straight to Vector Sigma. Turns out its true location is shrouded by myth and rumour and that the path of the Primes will lead us there.

So Optimus will lead me there. We went through the Spacebridge to see Cybertron. It was dark, gloomy, ruined from years of war. I can imagine Optimus didn't want me to see his home like this. We told everyone we arrived and Bulk told us to keep the sightseeing to a minimum. Ratchet agreed saying we don't know how far the journey will be.

Once we turned our communications off, Arcee and I tried to figure out how the card would lead us there. I moved it a certain direction and the card shone brighter. That's how. Arcee transformed and I climbed on and she started driving. We ended up going to the Decepticon capital; Kaon. When we got to a bridge, we went on foot because Arcee didn't want engine noise to attract the wrong kind of attention. Surly Cybertron would be abandoned now the war is over here.

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