Chapter Twelve: One shall rise. Part Three

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We haven't heard from the bots or Megatron for a while now. But, at the moment, we were watching the news. The weather is getting worse and worse. Eventually, the news went off with a high pitched beep. Ratchet turned the screen off and June asked if we wanted to play a game. We were all quiet.

"That tears it!" Fowler said storming off.

"Where are you going?" June asked him.

"I can't just sit on my hands while the world spins out of control," Fowler said turning to her.

"And what exactly is it that you intend to do?" Ratchet asked.

"Anything! Hook up with my boys at the Pentagon, figure out how to bury that monster for good."

"In the event that Optimus can't?"

"Don't you mean Optimus and Megatron?"

"No one here is thrilled about this arrangement, Agent Fowler, myself included, but with Optimus and Megatron together again-"

"Woah, wait. Again?" Jack asked.

"Megatron was an Autobot?" Raf asked.

"Optimus was a 'Con?" Miko asked.

"No on either count, but there was a time, back on Cybertron, in the twilight hours of the golden age, when Optimus and Megatron we not sworn enemies," Ratchet said, "do you recall when I mentioned Optimus wasn't always a Prime? Well, he wasn't always Optimus either. He was once a clerk, in the Iacon Hall of Records named Orion Pax. But as he learned more about Cybertron's past, he grew increasingly concerned about the present corruption in high places and iniquity among the masses. Orion became inspired by the words and ideas of a gladiator, one who had named himself after one of the thirteen original Primes: Megatronus. Megatronus vowed to challenge Cybertron's leadership, and demand that all Cybertronians be treated as equals. This gladiator-turned revolutionary rapidly gathered a loyal following, Soundwave chief among them. Orion began corresponding with Megatronus, who came to be something of a mentor to him. As Megatronus left the gladiatorial arena for the political, he saw fit to shorten his name. Before long, Megatron appeared before the High Counsel to propose his vision for a just society. And it was here that he began to reveal his true colours, proclaiming the need to overthrow the old guard with force and arrogantly demanding to be named the next Prime. But Orion did not believe in violence as a means of achieving justice. The sparks and the minds of the council were moved by Orion's words; here, for the first time since Cybertron's golden age, stood someone worthy of being a Prime. But that honour could only be truly achieved by earning the legendary Matrix of Leadership. His ambitions thwarted, Megatron spitefully severed all ties with Orion and the council, and came to wage war on all who opposed him from his growing army of followers which he named Decepticons. He vowed to claim the Matrix for himself, wherever it might lie. In time, warfare consumed Cybertron, poisoning the planet to its core. Orion journeyed there, hoping to reverse the ill effects, and found himself before the very spark of our life-giver: Primus himself. The ailing Primus sensed the innate nobility within Orion, and bestowed the matrix upon him. It was thus, that a surprised, and humbled, Orion Pax, came to be Optimus, the last of the Primes."

Not even Optimus told me this. I've always been curious about his past but I waited for him to tell me when he's ready to. I never thought Optimus would be an archivist before he became a Prime but I suppose that explains the amount of reading he does in his free time.

"So, Optimus got the Matrix from Cybertron's core, and now he's gonna give it to Earth's?" Miko asked.

"What's to stop Megatron from just claiming the Matrix for himself this time around?" Jack asked.

"Only his greater desire to save this planet so that he may in turn conquer it, as he so compellingly argued, provided the Lord of the Decepticons can ever be fully trusted," Ratchet said.

Later communication from the others turned off and we lost their signals. I took out the key Optimus gave me and just looked it over.

"Where did you get that?" Ratchet asked me.

"Optimus gave it to me," I said, "honestly, I don't know why he gave me the key to the Groundbridge power supply."

"(Y/N), there is no key to the Groundbridge."

"I thought so. So, what is it?"

"That is the key to Vector Sigma."


"You are holding one of Cybertron's most important relics."

"I can't have this," I handed it to Ratchet.

"Optimus entrusted it to you, (Y/N)."

"I don't understand. Why?"

"Because he doesn't plan on coming back."

My ears dropped at that. He doesn't? And the last thing he said was 'I love you'. He knew this would happen. That's what hurts the most. While I was deep in thought, an earthquake started but soon ended after a bit. We looked on the screen and everyone's signals came online. They're all alive! Optimus is coming home! When Ratchet opened the Groundbridge for them all, my tail was wagging in excitement when everyone came back... except Optimus. Ratchet asked if Optimus was dead but something worse happened. Optimus lost more than the wisdom of the Primes

He lost his memories.

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