Chapter Twenty-three: Reunion

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Well, the Autobots and Decepticons are back on Earth. An Autobot prison ship crash-landed on Earth and now most of its Decepticon prisoners have escaped. Conveniently enough, Bee arrived with a new team and now they're gathering up the Decepticon fugitives. We only found out about their team when we were looking for scrap parts for something Knockout wanted to make.

We were in a scrap yard that belonged to a man called Danny Clay and that's where we found the bots. Knockout and Starscream said hi in their bot forms but the new Autobots were not accepting until I told them they were better than they were five years ago. Thank you Bee for saying they were good guys. We were then introduced to the team. A female cadet named Strongarm, a bad boy named Sideswipe, a hyperactive Mini-Con with faulty wiring named Fixit and a former Decepticon Dinobot named Grimlock.

"So, how have you been?" Bee asked me.

"Great. Well, great as I can be," I said, "Optimus and all that."

"Wait, you're the human fox that Optimus Prime fell in love with during the war for Cybertron," Strongarm said.

"That's me," I said.

"I'm sorry for your loss," Bee said.

"It's fine. I'm over it now. Besides, I've got these two lovers to take care of. Although more like babysitting them because they act like children."

"We're right here, you know," Starscream said.

"Yeah, but it's true," I said.

We talked for a while longer before leaving. We still have a job to do. No more than a year later, something bad happened in the city related to the Bots and the 'Con's. I'm not surprised. Nothing like this has happened in five years. Knockout and Starscream went there to help the bots but when they came back, they looked very happy. I asked what happened and they told me but they were keeping something from me and I could tell. A few days later, they blindfolded me and led me somewhere.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"We're about to change your life all over again," Knockout said with a smile in his voice.

"I highly doubt that."

They let go of me and told me not to take my blindfold off. I did as they told me and everything went quite. I heard someone walk in front of me before putting a hand on my cheek. It felt familiar. Whoever it was finally took my blindfold off. And who I saw, shocked me. It was Optimus! He's here and alive! I backed away. I don't believe it.

"(Y/N). It is me," Optimus said.

"How do I know it's really you and Knockout and Starscream aren't using some sort of hologram?" I asked.

"Ask me something only I would know."

I thought for a moment. My secret! Only Optimus and I know what it was.

"Before you left, I gave you a present that was written down on a piece of paper. What was my secret?"

Optimus gave the piece of paper that was still folded. I opened it to see my secret in my handwriting.

"It is only with the heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye," Optimus said.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I hugged him, tight. He hugged me back as I cried tears of happiness. It's been too long since I've seen him. After a bit, I separated the hug and looked at him.

"But... how?" I asked, "you sacrificed yourself to save Cybertron."

"The Primes rescued me before my spark extinguished," Optimus explained.

"I missed you so much," I hugged him again.

"I missed you too, Sweetspark. I wanted to see you as soon as I knew I was still functioning but the Primes kept me in their realm for training," Optimus said hugging back.

"Training? What training? You don't need training. I've watched you, you're amazing," I said looking at him.

"I did not argue. But I promise you I would come back and I am here now. And I promise you I will never leave you again."

And we kissed. I'm just happy he's back. We took him back to the house and told Optimus everything that's happening since he was gone. Optimus congratulated Knockout and Starscream on their relationship and asked if he could come along on one of our ghost hunting adventures. Well, we have one tonight.

But something I am going to have to do first before Optimus notices is get a finger-less glove for my right hand to cover a scar. The scar is from the government taking out a tracker chip I didn't know was there. I'm just afraid Optimus will see it and ask about it and I'm still not great when it comes to confrontation. Before Optimus noticed, I borrowed one of Knockout's gloves.

We went on our adventure and introduced Optimus to our viewers calling him Orion per his request. We were in an abandoned hospital from around WW2. This place is haunted by the people who died there. The four of us decided to split up and see what we could find, see or hear. There was one point I felt something pull at my tail harshly which hurt. Like, really hurt.

I swear my tail is a magnet for people to pull at. That includes spirits and demons. Yes, I've encountered demons. Got a scar on my back from a demon I met in a church of all places. That wasn't fun. Knockout and Starscream have the same scars but they're on another part of the body. Never anger a demon. I later encountered Optimus who was very calm.

"Your calm," I said.

"Is it not fear that attracts bad spirits?" Optimus asked.

"Okay, yes. You have a point there."

"Find anything?"

"Nothing yet."

And as I say that a door near us slams. Well, something wants our attention. Optimus and I went into the room with a bed, a rocking chair and flies on the window. Dead flies. Yep, something is here.

"There is no one here," Optimus said.

"Doesn't mean something isn't here," I say as the rocking chair started rocking, "see. Just because we can't see them doesn't mean someone isn't here."

I took out my spirit box to talk to the spirit. The spirit was calm at first until it started becoming violent. Very violent. It threw broken glass at us and I had to convince Optimus to run since Primes don't run from threats I guess unless necessary. If a spirit is angry, our solution is to just leave it alone and pray it doesn't follow us home.

We got Starscream and Knockout, told them what was happening and started running. I later found out they were running too because they made a spirit angry. Great job, guys. I got the video edited and posted on YouTube and then I told Optimus a few rules about ghost hunting which I really should've done beforehand.

Now he understood why we ran. We went on more adventures after that day and Optimus was getting a hang of what we do. He hadn't asked about the glove I wear and I hope it stays that way. I don't want confrontation from Optimus.

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