My Letter To You, the Reader

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Good morning, afternoon, or evening, Reader!

My username is Choose_The_Adventure and I just wanted to take some time aside today to thank you for reading 'Subject To Study'. This story grew so much bigger than I ever thought possible, and I only have you to thank for its popularity.

While my follower base has grown a little (starting at around 80 followers when this was first published), I  wanted to give you the shout-out that you deserve for reading and re-reading this story as I've written it, boosting the view count up to (and beyond) 41,000! The comments that were left throughout the story were all read and taken to heart, from the compliments and absolute adoration of the characters to the discrepancies and faults that were pointed out to me.

I never would have gotten this far if it wasn't for your constant support: the votes, the views, the readers that were interested enough to put this into a Reading List, and the silent readers that just read on without leaving any comment or vote (this letter is for you, too!).

This being said, I do have some sad news to deliver.

'Subject To Study' will end at Chapter 55. I will be completely removing the previous Author Note upon the story's completion, as well as editing the last half of the story, before publishing the sequel 'Subject To Study Extended' (interesting title, I know). While I love writing about my Naga!Matsus, there's a time and place to leave a story without stretching it too thin, and Chapter 55 is that place. It will be a much longer chapter than normal, as I want to give a few things a proper conclusion, but it will be the final chapter.

I've stated many times on my profile, but since about 85% of my readers are not followers, I will state it again here.

Please do not ask for updates or a continuation of 'Subject To Study'.

I am human just like you, and cannot put too much on my plate or I become overstrained. With college back in swing, I'm currently working a full-time job while attending school as a part-time student. This demands 13 hours of my day. I understand that you're excited to read what I have to offer, but the truth of the matter is that I cannot spend my entire free time writing (as much as I would absolutely love to).

I have no idea when Chapter 55 will be ready for you to read it. It could be a few days or it could be a few weeks. It absolutely depends on the demands that work and school are making of me, so please be patient with me.

I wanted to get this to you before my class starts today. If you feel deprived of my writing, I have four other stories that are published (three of which are completed) in my series 'One More Time', with the reader and the Matsuno brothers in different situations/scenarios as the central focus. I also have a Reader Request-oriented story collection called 'Sixfold Adventures' (requests are closed, currently) and a Halloween special that will update yearly titled 'When Ghosts Whisper'.

All of my stories are Osomatsu-san related, so don't worry about missing the characters that I've managed to bring to life through this book.

I appreciate you so much, Reader, and know that I will continue to write about Osomatsu-san for a long while yet.

P.S. The corn snake is my co-creator, Jupiter. He's 8 months old today.

Subject to Study (Naga!Brothers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now