Naga!Matsu References

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(All of their widths are scaled up from their snake counterparts, and their lengths vary between each species)

Oso (Red-Headed Krait, Bungarus flaviceps)

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Oso (Red-Headed Krait, Bungarus flaviceps).

Length: 29 feet.

Habitats: Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, southern Myanmar, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, and a number of Malaysian and Indonesian islands.

Bites from these venomous snakes are rare, and so their venom is little-studied. Krait venom appears to function primarily as a neurotoxin, preventing communication across neuromuscular structures, causing paralysis and death by asphyxiation because the victims can no longer breathe on their own.

Kara (Blue Insularis Pit Viper, Trimeresurus insularis)

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Kara (Blue Insularis Pit Viper, Trimeresurus insularis). Also called: white-lipped island pit viper, Lesser Sunda pit viper, Sunda Island pit viper

Length: 20 feet.

Habitats: the lesser Sunda Islands of Indonesia.

While their venom rarely kills, it's incredibly unpleasant to get a bite from a white-lipped island pit viper. They have a hemorrhagic venom, which can cause pain, swelling, necrosis of the flesh, and severe bleeding, both internally and externally.

Choro (Eastern Green Mamba, Dendroaspis angusticeps)

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Choro (Eastern Green Mamba, Dendroaspis angusticeps).

Length: 24 feet.

Habitats: coastlines of southern Africa and East Africa.

The eastern green mamba's consists of both neurotoxins (targets the nerves) and cardiotoxins (targets the muscles, can damage the heart). Symptoms of envenomation include swelling of the bite site, dizziness and nausea, accompanied by difficulty breathing and swallowing, irregular heartbeat and convulsions progressing to respiratory paralysis. Bites that produce severe poisoning can be quickly fatal.

Ichi (Corn Snake, Pantherophis guttatus)

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Ichi (Corn Snake, Pantherophis guttatus). Morph - Lavender.

Length: 22 feet.

Habitats: Southeastern United States.

Their docile nature, reluctance to bite, moderate adult size, attractive pattern, and comparatively simple care make them commonly kept pet snakes. Though superficially resembling the venomous copperhead and often killed as a result of this mistaken identity, corn snakes are harmless and beneficial to humans. Corn snakes lack functional venom and help control populations of wild rodent pests that damage crops and spread disease.

Jyushi (Reticulated Python, Malayopython reticulatus)

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Jyushi (Reticulated Python, Malayopython reticulatus). Morph - Albino.

Length: 36 feet.

Habitats: native to South Asia and Southeast Asia

While it mainly lives in rain forests, woodlands, and nearby grasslands, it is also associated with rivers and is found in areas with nearby streams and lakes. An excellent swimmer, it has even been reported far out at sea and has consequently colonized many small islands within its range. The reticulated python is an ambush hunter, usually waiting until prey wanders within strike range before seizing it in its coils and killing by constriction.

Todo (Liophidium pattoni)

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Todo (Liophidium pattoni).

Length: 16 feet.

Habitat: Madagascar (endemic, or unique to a defined geographic location)

Little is known about the snake, as it was recently discovered in 2010, but the genus it belongs to labels it as harmless to humans.

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