chapter 8

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Auralia's pov~

Its been almost 4 years since my capture. My body is now skin and bones and completely covered in bruises. The only thing that i can remember about my life is that my name is Auralia and that I have a brother named Kenan. I can also remember that tomorrow is my 21st birthday and that i will be getting my Siren powers. My capturers keep a calendar in my cell to show me how long that I have been in the cell so that i will give up hope of being rescued. The only thing that is keeping me alive is the dream that i always have of a beautiful man and me sitting at an ice cream shop laughing. I don't know if this is an old memory or if its just a dream.

A few hours later.......

Just 5 more minutes until i get my powers. Then i will sing and put my capturers in a trance so that i can escape. Suddenly a banging comes from upstairs and i hear growls. I curl up in a ball and hide in the corner all of my confidence or escape now gone. I hear Marcus yell "We're under attack" to Damien. 3 minutes later the door to the basement opens and Kenan walks in. "Is anyone down here?" he called. "Over h-here" I whispered. He looked at me. "Auralia?" he asked as he pressed himself against the bars to my cell. I nodded. He then ran up the stairs and out the door. I immediatly started to cry and fell to the ground. I knew it once he saw how damaged i was he wouldnt want me as a sistere anymore. Who could want me anyways?

About a minute later the door to the basement burst open and the most delicious scent in the world filled my nose. when i looked to see where the scent was coming from I saw the man from my dream. He entered my cell and walked towards me. I backed away from the man. " Auralia it's me Noah, I'm not going to hurt you" The man said. I felt like I could trust him so I let the darkness consume me.

Noah's Pov

It has been around 4 years since Auralia and I have not given up my hope in finding her. Right not Kenan and I are looking at maps that have recorded rogue migrations marked on them. Someone knocked on the door. "Come in" I said. My third in command Riley walked in. "We found her they are in an old cabin two territories over. She has been under our noses the whole time!" He said. "Gather all of our fighters and get them into the RV's we will leave at once!" I said.

It took about 3 hours to get to the cabin we then surrounded the cabin. "Wait for my command," I said through our mind link. Most of us had shifted only Kenan and I had not. I knew that I could not search for Auralia in my wolf form. The rogues must have smelt us by now. Soon they started runnung out of the cabin "Now!" I shouted. All at once everybody charged Kenan and I ran into the house. Everyone was fighting. Pretty soon all of the rouges were dead. "You check upstairs I'll take the basement" Kenan said. I nodded and started to look in the rooms. It wasn't long before I saw Kenan running towards me. "I found her she's in the basemen!" he said. I immediatly ran towards the basement and found Lia in a cell.

I walked into her cell and began to make my way towards her. She backed away from me fear crossing her eyes. Doesnt she know who I am? I thought. "Auralia it's me Noah, I'm not going to hurt you" i said. She looked at me again and then passed out. I quickly picked her up and ran outside. "Everyone to the RV's we need to get home now!" I said once we got in the car i spoke to Mike. "Call the pack doctor tell her to be ready" i said. He nodded and got out his phone. While he was in the phone I really got to look at Auralia. She was covered in bruises they had obviously beat her and she was basically skin and bones. i growled at the thought of what they had been doing to her. I growled. "calm down you don't want to shift in the car do you?"mike asked. "I can't help it!" I growled. "brother you need to calm down if you shift now you will hurt lia!" he said. I nodded.

It wasn't long before we made it to the pack house. The pack doctor immediately ran out. "Follow me!" she said and started to speed walk off towards our room. "set her on the bed" she said. I nodded and put her on the bed gently. "alpha I'm going to have to ask you to leave" she said. "but.." "no buts! You want your Mate to get better don't you?" she said. I nodded and walked into the hallway Then I sat outside the door. Soon Kenan joined me.

About an hour later we heard a scream come from my room. Kenan and I immediately busted through the door. Auralia was curled in a ball in the corner crying. I immediately went over to her and crouched in front of her. "lia baby it's me calm down we aren't gunna hurt you." I cooed. "W-Who are you?" she whispered. "Oh yeah alpha um she can't remember anything from before she was taken well except for Kenan" the Kelly (the pack doctor) said. "you really don't remember me?" I asked her. "I'm sorry I really wish I could I keep trying but I just can't" lia said then she started to cry. "hey it's ok" I said reaching towards her. She flinched away from me. "Alpha can I speak to you in the hallway?" Kelly asked. "Of course. Kenan stay with lia" I said. Kenan nodded and walked towards Lia. "Kenan!" she whispered and slowly stood up and hugged him cautiously. "that's right little butterfly" he said. With that I walked out of the room.

"Alpha Lia has been through a lot! So you are going to have to be very sensitive and take your time with her. She doesn't even weigh 100 pounds they obviously starved her. Also as you can see she is covered in bruises she has 3 broken ribs. And Alpha as for her memory I'm afraid it may not come back."

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