chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Deep under the sea, a young mermaid swam towards her father trying to catch him, "I'm going to get you," she yelled.

"If you can swim fast enough," the father chuckled as he swam away from her at a pace that was almost slow enough for his daughter to catch him.

"Hey I can swim fast," the little girl squealed as she almost caught him but he moved out of her path at the last possible moment causing her to sigh in mock frustration.

"Fast but not fast enough," her older brother laughed as he grabbed her from behind spinning her in a circle.

"Hey let me go," she laughed as he began to tickle her sides. The two wrestled as their father watched on with a big smile on his face.

"Alright everyone dinner is ready," the mother yelled from the castle.

Auralias pov~

                           I woke with a start. My palms sweaty and heart racing as my mind kept playing the dream as if it was on repeat. Perhaps it would not have had as much impact on me if it was in fact just a dream. However, it wasn't just a dream, it was a memory. I was that little girl and that was my family. My parents were the king and queen of the Merfolk in the Atlantic Ocean and I was the princess. That all changed when I was 13 and our kingdom was attacked. My parents told my 17-year-old brother Kenan to take me away from the kingdom and never come back. So he did just that it has been 4 years since the attack. We still don't know what has become of our beautiful kingdom or our parents, although we both know that the chances that they survived were extremely slim.

                           During the first two years after the attack we traveled from ocean to ocean, then we moved to land and we lived in a small town just out of Cancun Mexico until yesterday. That's when we moved to Florida. Today is my first day of school and I am dreading every minute of it. I am starting school in the second semester of the year so it is going to be hard not to draw attention to myself. I hate drawing attention to myself. 

                          When I regained my composure after my dream I forced myself to get out of bed ad I walked to my bathroom. It only took me about 30 minutes to get ready and once I was satisfied with how I looked, I went down to the kitchen for some breakfast. I found a note laying on the table and immediately recognized my brother's handwriting. 

Auralia I went for a swim. Have a good first day, I will pick you up after school.



                           The note does not surprise me. Kenan almost always goes for a swim in the morning. Sighing I grabbed an apple, went outside, and started to walk towards my new school. When I got to the school most of the kids were in the parking lot talking. I easily identified the stereotypical high school cliques that you could find on every television show that featured a human high school. One group, in particular, caught my attention. There were about 20 kids all surrounding one car talking. All of the guys were extremely buff and even the girls looked strong. Every one of them was beautiful and tan and I was immediately slightly jealous. One of them locked eyes with me and shivers shot down my spine as I looked into his pale green eyes. I quickly looked away and walked towards the building that had "main office" painted in big black letters on the front. When I walked in I went to the secretary's desk where a lady who looked like she was in her mid 50's was sitting. The nameplate on her desk told me that her name was Mrs. Brown.

"Excuse me it's my first day and I need my schedule," I said with a smile.

                           "Oh, you must be Auralia! It's wonderful to meet you dear! I have your schedule right here along with a map of the school. Have a good first day, and if you have any questions or you ever need help I'm always here!" She said cheerily and then she handed me the papers. I thanked her and then headed towards where I hoped that my locker was (I was never very good at reading maps). After about 10 minutes of searching for my locker, I finally found it next to one of the science labs. I put my backpack in my locker and grabbed what I thought that I would need for my first few classes. I then started walking in the direction that I thought my homeroom was.

                           Eventually, I found my homeroom, unfortunately, I was about 5 minutes late but my teacher Mr. Lockwood was nice and he understood that I got lost. He directed me towards the only empty table next to the guy who I locked eyes with in the parking lot earlier. Now that I was closer to him I finally got a good look at him. He was a lot hotter in close up and I had to force myself not to stare at him. I learned that his name was Noah and that he was a senior like me. He seemed like a nice enough guy and from what I could tell, he was smart as well. 

Noahs' pov~

                           As soon as we locked eyes in the parking lot I knew that we were mates. But before I could go over to her she walked off and I lost her in the crowd. Luckily she ended up in my homeroom. Apparently, luck was on my side today because the only open seat was next to me. Her scent was making my wolf go crazy and he was already getting possessive. Oh boy, this girl is going to be the death of me.

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