Chapter 10

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Hey guys I am so sorry that it took so long to update. I made some changes in chapter 2 so please be sure to read that first because I added a few new characters. Also Please stop leaving comments about my spelling and punctuation errors. I am not a professional and I don't have a lot of time to edit! And it doesn't help that I am having to write from my phone which is hard enough as it is. From now on if you can't keep yourself from complaining then stop reading my story. I'm sorry I have to be rude I love getting feedback from you guys but I'm tired of getting complaints. Anyway enjoy the new chapter guys thank you for waiting.

Auralia's pov~

         While we waited for the "girls" as katelyn called them to show up katelyn pulled me all over the house getting things that we would need. "the first thing you always need for a girls night is a good chick flick!" she told me as we looked through the pack houses huge collection of movies. Eventually we decided on Safe Haven. After we decided on the movie we made popcorn, grabbed a lot of candy and chips,  then grabbed nail supplies and placed them all in the movie theatre. Right when we finished setting up there was a knock on the door. "That must be them!" Katelyn exclaimed. She dragged me to the door and opened it to reveal 4 girls. They immediately ran in the house and gave me a big group hug. They said things like 'lia I'm so glad you are ok' and 'Oh my gosh we were so worried about you' I immediately tensed up. "Um girls I would back away from Lia," Katelyn said. The girls backed away and looked at Katelyn in confusion. "She can't remember you she doesn't remember anything," Katelyn explained.

       They looked at me in shock but then one girl spoke. "Well I'm Ella and this is Cassadee, Avalon, and Lexxi." She said pointing to each girl as she spoke. "Nice to meet you.... again," I said. They laughed slightly. "Well enough chit chat let's start the movie!" Avalon exclaimed. We all piled into the movie room and put our sleeping bags and pillows in one corner. Katelyn started the movie while the rest of us sat in a circle doing each others nails. A few minutes later there was another knock on the door. "Now who could that be?" Avalon asked. "James and Mike are having a dudes night with our mates," Lexxi said. "Great now they are probably going to come in here and make us change the movie!" Katelyn said. Everybody groaned "lets just keep hanging out and watch as much of the movie as possible until they make us change it we all know that they will play xbox first." Cassadee said. We all nodded in agreement and went back to laughing and having fun.

      We were all sitting in our own leather chairs that could hold two people eating popcorn and watching the end of safe haven when the boys came charging in. They groaned when they saw what movie was playing. "oh shut up you big babies there is only 5 minutes left and then you can watch whatever," Katelyn shouted. The rest of the girls including me laughed. The boys unwillingly 
agreed to let us watch the rest of the movie and then they all came and sat with us. James sat in the chair with me and then picking me up and placing me on his lap. I tensed for a second but slowly relaxed. "Is this making you uncomfortable," He asked in a concerned voice. "No I actually think I like it," I whispered. When the movie was over two of the guys began to argue about what movie to watch. "The blonde is Damon and the one with black hair is Alec," James whispered into my ear.

      I nodded thankful that I didn't have to ask. "The other blonde is john, the one that looks like my older twin is my brother mike," He explained. "Cassadee and John are mates, Avalon and Damon are mates, and Lexxi and Alec are mates." James explained to me. "What about Ella, Katelyn, and Mike do they not have mates?" I asked. "Ella's mate is my Beta Jacob he is busy currently with some duties and Mike has not found his mate yet. Katelyn found her mate but he is currently over sea's with the military," James explained. I nodded and leaned into James' chest. I sighed in contentment when James wrapped his arms around my midsection and pleasure surged through my body. "Do you feel that?" James asked as he grabbed my hand in his sending more shocks of pleasure through my body. "Yes what is it?" I asked. "It's part if the mate bond," He explained. I nodded and leaned my head onto his shoulder.

       Finally Alec and Damon decided on a movie. Unfortunately it happened to be the exorcism. I spent the whole movie with my face pressed into James' chest. I guess I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up it was morning. Everyone was still sitting with their mates. That is when I realized that I was laying on James' chest and there was a blanket covering us. I blushed slightly and I tried to get out of his death grip. Eventually I escaped and by that time the other girls were awake and struggling to get out of their mates arms. Once we all got out of their arms we quietly made our way out of the movie room. Once in the hallway we looked at each other. "I barely slept because of that movie," Avalon complained. All of the other girls grumbled in agreement. "Guys I have an idea!" I said.

        They looked at me curiously and I whispered my idea to them. "Oh my gosh Lia you are a genius!" Lexxi exclaimed. "SShhhhh!!!!" We all said to her. In a few minutes we had gathered up several pots and pans with wooden spoons, and a bullhorn. I quietly opened the door to the movie room to see that all of the guys were still sound asleep. I smirked "Alright girls on 3. 1....2....3!" I whispered. We all ran into the room. "Wakey wakey boys! Its morning get your lazy butts up!" I yelled through the bullhorn as the girls hit the pans with the spoons and yelled like crazy people. The boys shot out of the couches and Alec even fell on the floor. "What the hell!" Mike shouted. "What was that for?" Damon yelled. "For making us watch that movie I barely slept," Lexxi shouted. "And that made it ok to blow our eardrums out as a wake up call?" James asked. "hell yeah it did!" I spoke through the bullhorn into James' ear. "Alright that is it boys lets get 'em!" James yelled. Us girls screamed and ran out the doors. "You'll never catch me!" I yelled through my bullhorn.

         "I wouldn't be so sure about that little mate," James spoke right as I ran into his hard chest. He held me there and smirked before throwing me over his shoulder. "Abort the mission! I repeat abort the mission!" I yelled through the bullhorn. "Alright that's it no more bullhorn for you!" James said and he grabbed the bullhorn from me and putting it on a near by table. "Hey!" I said. He laughed and then ran down the stairs into the living room. I followed him and us and everyone else made breakfast. We all ate and laughed at the table and for the first time since I came back I didn't feel like the poor girl who was kidnapped and lost her memories.

~hey guys hope that you enjoyed this chapter please comment and vote. Love y'all!


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