Chapter one - New Home

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Y/n pov

You had arrived at Remus's home, it was smaller on the outside and a little run down, but you could grow to like it.

You brought in your suitcase and Remus went to help you with your stuff but you did it yourself.

"Remus, I don't want to be rude, and it's really nice of you to invite me into your home, I just really want to sleep." You said looking away from him.

"Your room will be right across from Peter's and Tonks and I will be sharing my room," Remus explained and you threw up your eyebrow at that.

"Not like that, now there are two bathrooms, Tonks and Y/n share the one upstairs and Peter and I will share the one on the main floor. I can show you both to your rooms, Tonks has offered to cook." Remus said and you nodded understanding.

You followed Remus along with Pete upstairs when you got there he lead Peter to his room Peter seemed a lot happier to be here than you did. When Remus opened up your door it was, a light grey room, everything about it was simple, with lots of greys, browns and white accents. You put your things down beside the bed and sat down. The bed saw soft, not so soft as to have you sink into it, but comfortable enough to sleep. You wanted to say thank you, you, wanted to hug him, you wanted to smile but you just sat on the side of the bed... with Remus's piercing gaze at you from the doorway.

"Y/n... I thought that you should know it's okay. You, don't have to be happy here, but you have to stay here, at least for a little bit."

"...Thank you... for taking me in... for not letting Dumbledore send me away..." You said just as he got up to leave.

"I would never leave you behind. I-" Remus stopped and smelt the air. "I have to get downstairs before Tonks accidentally burns down the house, I'll call you down for dinner as you get settled in."

"Okay." You said as watched as he left with long strides as to stop Tonks from starting a fire.

You began to unpack clothes were the easy part. When you got to your wand you put it on the bedside table and when you got to a picture of your family you looked at the smiling faces, the glass was already broken from last year but you seemed to keep it. You without moving watched as your mother and your sister's faces smiled up at you. You threw the picture across the room and heard the rest of the glass smash on the floor, along with the frame.

You bit back tears and continued unpacking your things. When you got to the end you held a small book, one that you remember to have all your nightmares, you forgot when you stopped writing in it but you had, you sat your legs crossed in bed and began reading you were picking apart at the dreams, analyzing them more than you had in any class. That's when it hit you, both your mom and your sister helped Voldemort. It was so clear. The robes with black and blue, that woman was your mother while the black was Kathrine.

Mom and Crouch jr. brought dad to the graveyard, not Kathrine, so she wouldn't have known about it, it really was a surprise. And as for the tournament is that why your mother didn't call the dragon off you? Did she want you to die? Or to test your powers? Either way, she let the dragon nearly kill you... and that's why she knew about all the plans, and it would explain why Moody had such easy access to the maze without anyone noticing because she and he built it! She knew she always knew! And furthermore, she knew about you and Cedric. She knew and never did anything she - she had to have been there when her husband was killed, she was there and didn't say or do anything.

You closed tossed the book in front of you and put your face in your hands. This can't be real. It's some fucked up dream, some weird fantasy, this isn't real. You think to yourself. Your mother was cold, but she loved you, and your dad... maybe there were more clues at your house, not that you'd be allowed to leave.

Slytherins Heir [Draco X Reader] - Year SixWhere stories live. Discover now