Chapter two - Are We Equals?

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Y/n pov

You shift in your sleep, you hear distant talking and focus in on it.

"Yes, my lord, why was I summoned here?" You walk in front of your sister on her knees and then look around, Voldemort is standing a few feet away from her. You backed up and watched the two interact.

"I called you here in private to discuss your mother."

"Do you have news? It's been weeks my Lord and she hasn't been announced arrested in the papers, so she wasn't captured. Did she escape like Bellatrix?" Kathy sounded eager, she didn't know yet.

"Stand tall L/n. Do not grovel."

"Yes my lord."

"I am here to inform you that your mother is dead L/n."

"What...?" Kathrine's eyes instantly filled with tear and you could see her face went pale. "No... it's impossible," She said as her knees gave out. Voldemort watched her, his face unmoving.

Kathrine looked up at him.

"But the Order doesn't kill without... they try not to - how did this - who did this?" Anger in her throat.

"Your mother was killed in a battle with your sister."

"My sister killed her? Y/n killed her?"


"Then I shall-"

"You would do well to remember I need your sister alive." Voldemorts voice cut through hers and she bowed her head down in shame.

"Yes. My Lord."

"Her death was in the news, I spared You of reading about it until I could tell you directly."

"Yes My Lord, thank you, my Lord."

"You mustn't let your feeling get in the way of your mission L/n."

"Yes my Lord."

"I will leave you to your thoughts, I can tell you have a lot of them. I would think twice before acting on your mind's revenge." Voldemort said before he left the room and the door shut behind him.

There was a moment of utter silence as Voldemort's shadow was cleared from under the door, it was then Kathrine let out a scream of agony and pain you had never heard before. You hated her, but like she had taken away your father you had taken away her mother.

She let out a scream of pain and you watched as almost any glass item in the room shattered, she was strong like you... did Dumbledore get the prophecy wrong? Was it Kathrine and not you? If that was the case was the centaurs prophecy predicting your father's death?

As she continued to sob you dropped down to her level and saw her face more clearly, she was weeping, you felt a bit of sadness in wanting to comfort her. She was a murder... but now so were you. Were you and your sister equals? No, you were stronger, you were better, you killed your mother because you had to. You had no choice. She did.

You didn't have a choice. You didn't have a choice right? She was going to kill you if you stopped... but you're the most powerful witch in the world and you couldn't come up with something better, there had to be another way and if anyone could have found it why not you?

Kathrine was clutching the vial around her neck and she looked destroyed emotionally, you could hear her mutter something in Latin but couldn't quite make it out, you begin to feel tingly like a million little pins pricking your skin.

You get sucked back into your memories and relive that night's events, you watch as your mother drops dead from her own spell. Her eyes were barren and her face motionless. You remember where this goes and you look at Sirius. You jump up onto the platform and try to stop it. You have to be able to stop it as Bellatrix's spell hits Sirius you watch his face look scared before he falls back through the veil, you chase after him but can't pull him through.

Slytherins Heir [Draco X Reader] - Year SixWhere stories live. Discover now