Chapter Nineteen

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Minho comes back as Thomas kisses me quickly and stands up.

"Are you two something? Last time I checked you hated him Amelia." Minho says and I look up at Thomas.

"I would say forgive and forget, and I don't know if we're something but...maybe soon." I say and Thomas smiles wide.

"Calm down there boy, you smile any bigger your face is going to hurt tomorrow." Minho says and I hold in a laugh as Thomas looks at Minho.

"You need to smile, it feels good." Thomas says and tries to move Minho's mouth into a smile. "Don't touch my face shank!" He says slapping Thomas's hands away.

"Okay, okay fine." Thomas says laughing a little.

"Okay then, Amelia let's go before he tries to make me smile again." Minho says with a little smirk on his face. "Wait! I need to tell Thomas something!" He says and turns towards Thomas.

Minho covers one side of his mouth and whispers something to him. "Okay I'm good!" Minho says and takes a step towards me and steps towards me. I nod and wait for him to pick me up. His arms go behind my back and under my legs. He lifts me up and turns towards Thomas.

"One more thing before you go." Thomas says smiling and walks over to me. He kisses me quickly and Minho groans. "Really?" He asks and I laugh. Thomas winks at me before Minho starts walking away.

"He said that if I really like you, I should make my move now because there's a glade full of guys that would love to take my place." Thomas says in my head and I cant help but shake my head a little.

"You know you, Newt, Chuck, and Minho are the only guys I talk to right?" I ask him.

"Yeah, like Newt has never thought about taking you, or Minho." He responds.

Have they actually thought of me like that? I guess I've never thought about that, they're my friends. It's weird to think about Newt and Minho thinking about me like that. I mean, I see I frustrate Newt something's and Minho...he's just sassy. Us together would be a mess.


Minho carries me into the meeting and sits me down in my usual spot and then goes to his usual spot.

I sit and watch as everyone comes in and stands/leans against the wall in heir usual spot I guess. Newt takes over where Alby would stand and Fry takes up the space that Gally would fill.

"Okay, does anyone want to start us off?" Newt asks everyone and they all look at each other.

"Maybe Amelia should tell her side of the story." Frypan says and everyone looks at him.

"Okay, Amelia let's hear your side of the story." Newt says and I look down.

"Well, I was talking to Minho and he said something about Thomas and at the moment we were in a fight. So I raised my voice and Gally said if I don't shut it then he would make me. So we exchanged words I ended up calling him Captain Gally and he got super pissed at me. So he dragged me up and dragged me to the sand pit and yeah. He just beat me and then left." I explain and everyone nods.

"Well you didn't even defend yourself." Someone says and I look up. "I couldn't! My arm is hurt and I can't really walk! I tried to get him off of me but if you haven't noticed I'm not as strong as him!" I yell.

"Hey! Guys calm down!" Newt yells and everyone goes silent.

"Everyone is going to be on watch. Thomas will guard Amelia because we don't want her hurt again. Everyone else will be looking for Gally. You tell your workers. Minho, you look in the maze. If you hear anything like Gally you find him." Newt says.

"Why in the maze?" Someone asks.

"Because if we haven't found Gally yet he's in the maze."

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