Chapter- 4: Coming clean

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A/N: So guys, I started writing this a couple of years back and never really committed. But today I read through the first two chapters and uploaded. I'm studying for a very tough exam so I can't really update often but I promise to try every single time I get a brainwave.

I hope you enjoy this story. Constructive criticism is much appreciated! Again, I'd like to remind you that its my first attempt.

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Locking my room door on the inside, I gathered up my night things and backpack and eased up my window pane. From my high-up vantage point, I could see Rats' old Chevy milling around the corner of the street. It was an unspoken agreement between us that she wait at the corner of the road until I'm actually out of the house so she can cruise by and I'd hop in without drawing attention to ourselves.

I waved and started to shimmy down the drain pipe and onto the nearest branch of the mango tree in my yard. How many times had I covered for Brandon when he wanted to go out to his buddy's place? How many times had I watched him expertly make his way down the tree? Years of watching and a few months of practice and I was a pro.

These last few months, I'd become somewhat of a rebel. Always getting grounded, shooting off my mouth, pissing off my parents. Sigh. The only way to blow off steam was sneak out with Rats and go to our secret spot. Don't worry. We don't do drugs or anything else.

I ran across the yard and through the hole in my neighbour, Mr. Chang's fence and straight into the waiting Chevy.

"Let's go. Let's go. Let's goooo!!!!",I nearly yelled. "Dammit Lee, I'm going! I'm going! Will you please stop with the yelling? I can't even concentrate and I don't wanna crash the car!" Rats growled at me.

She was an amazing driver. She can speed, swerve, drift and drive like something out of a Fast and Furious movie. Its amazing! She always says "once you learn to drive in India, anywhere else is a piece of cake"


We pulled up under our usual willow tree and made sure the car was well hidden from sight. Nobody could see the car unless they tried to look under the hanging branches of the tree. And at our spot? Nobody even knew it existed. We were safe ... For now.

Rats got out of the car and stretched her wonderfully long legs. Man! I am so jealous!! Walking over to my side, she asked "so what'd you do this time? Break your mom's favourite China?"

"Okay that was ONE time, Rats and completely unintentional" I retorted.

Rats snorted at me "unintentional my butt"

Okay maybe just a little intentional. But only because my mom wouldn't let me meet the gynaecologist to talk about sex and contraception! Not that I needed it...considering how I might never have sex anyway. I frowned at my own thoughts.

"Let's just go for a swim okay? I'll tell you when we're in the water" I mumbled and started stripping off my clothes.

Rats shrugged and stripped too and we shoved our clothes in the car and started walking past the huge trunk of the willow and into the woods.

There she was. Our gloriously hidden secret spot. A tiny waterfall ending in a shallow pond surrounded by huge trees so completely cut off from the rest of the town. Without hesitation, I ran off the edge and cannonballed right into the pond. Rats, with a distasteful look, did a graceful swan dive in right after me.

The first time we chanced upon this place, we were smitten and ran home to get bathing suits. Things have changed since then. We don't bother bringing swimming things because nobody comes there. Let's face it, bathing suits are essentially underwear anyway.

*splash* Rats giggled at me and continued to splash me with water. I grinned at her and tickled her. She squealed and swam away. After about two minutes of letting off steam and relaxing, she asked me "are you gonna tell me why we're here or you just needed an excuse to see me?". She winked and smiled her silly smile.

" weeellll.... You know my uncle the doctor right?" "The hot young one?" She winked again.

"Yeah him... He's getting married" I sighed

"Whoa!! The world's women have just lost yet another good single man!" She laughed at her own joke. "Congrats to him I guess. But what's that got to do with anything?"

"He's getting married, Rats!! In TWO WEEKS!! fourteen days!!!" I practically yelled, my eyes popping wide open. My panic must have been evident on my face or my voice, because Rats stopped laughing and regarded me very seriously "dude! What's going on?"

I sighed. "Well... Tania, his fiancé.. She's boring and not even pretty. She's not good enough for him."

Rats looked at me quizzically and asked "and you think you are?"

So. Yes. Maybe she has a crush on Doc? Too easy isn't it? Sigh sorry guys ... I really need to learn to write things a bit more mysteriously... Maybe from my next book on. :)

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