Chapter-13: The Engagement Party

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It was Saturday. Two days since Chris' and my encounter at the park. Two days without his calls or proper conversation. He had come home on Friday morning, well after I reached school, to invite us on short notice, to his engagement party the next day. It was to be held at the Med School auditorium and a lot of people were to come.

Hot and bothered, thinking of the park, the trees, the soft lips and hard nibbles, I smoothened the front of my dress down and mussed my hair a little. "Haha . you look fiiiiiine, Lea" Pike said, appearing behind me as I stood in front of the floor-length mirror. We looked good together. Pike looked yum in his suit and I had to admit I looked nice in the strapless dress.

Coming close, he breathed into my neck and hugged my waist from behind. "See that girl there? In the mirror? I'm gonna marry her" he said looking at my eyes reflected in the mirror. I couldn't help the smile that crept across my lips. He could be so sweet sometimes. Turning around, I placed both my arms on his shoulders and stood on tip toe. "That's alright with me". I kissed him lightly on his lips.

"We're late, Brandon!! Lea!!" ,mom yelled up the stairs. "Coming!!!" Pike, Brandon and I chorused. I ran out the door and smack into Radhika's back. She was digging for something in her clutch and it went flying out of her hands and down the stairs. It seemed to arc in slo-mo as all the contents of the open clutch started to fall. A lipstick, mascara, tiny hair brush and......"a vibrator?" I asked, appalled "what the hell do you need a vibrator at an engagement party for?"

She shrugged casually, but I could see her ears turning red. "Reasons". Before I could torture said reasons out of her, Pike and Brandon appeared, stiff and ignoring each other with all they had. "Whoaaa, waidaminute, you're a.... A girl??!!" Brandon said, eyes wide and mock surprise writ all over his face. "Haha. Very funny, Candy." I said, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Verrrry mature guys. Shall we?" Rats said rolling her eyes and swishing her hips as she sauntered past us, down the stairs to collect her ...stuff. Brandon's eyebrows went up appreciatively at her curvy figure. He grinned and winked at me before trailing after her.

"Disgusting" Pike grunted. "Women are not pieces of meat. Where does he get off on treating her that way?" I touched his bicep lightly "Relax Pike. Let's just go have some fun okay?" I linked my arm through his and tugged him down the stairs.


"Welcome. Hello. Hi. Thank you. Welcome" Chris and Tania stood just inside the doors of the auditorium and welcomed everyone inside. "Leandra, you look gorgeous", said Tania with a smile. "Thank you. You look amazing." I replied curtly and glanced cursorily at Chris. He caught my eye and looked away immediately, "Radhika, you look stunning in that saree. And Brandon, you clean up really well". He looks good. A little too good. I should've broken his nose properly the other night. I thought maliciously as I subconsciously glared at him. Catching the look on my face, Radhika hurried over.

"Mind telling me what's going on?" Radhika whispered in my ear, dragging me over to a corner. "I have NO idea what you mean" I shrugged and batted my eyelashes innocently. "Don't play coy with me. You just glared at Doc like you wanted to strangle him!" She hissed. "Did I now? I don't think so!", I said and waved madly at Charlie who was standing at the entrance looking like a lost puppy. Radhika spun around to see who I was waving at and sighed. "This isn't over. We'll talk tonight"

Charlie smiled at us and walked over. "Hey Lea. Hey Radhika. You look beautiful, as always." His eyes shone as he smiled at us. Radhika grunted a thanks, her narrowed eyes never leaving me. I looked at her meaningfully, silently pleading her to let it go. She rolled her eyes, swung her hair over her shoulder and dragged Brandon towards buffet table.

"So Chaarliee. What are you doing here?" Pike questioned him, looking just slightly irritated. "Um. My father and Dr. Levine are acquainted. So yeaaaah....", he trailed off. "Oh really? I thought your father was in the movie business", Pike inquired. "Urm..."

"How about getting something to eat? I'm starving" I interrupted, saving Charlie the unnecessary questionnaire. Flashing his dimples at me, Charlie said "Sure! I'm just gonna go check on my dad and wish the happy couple. I'll join you guys." He turned and walked away. "Bye" I called after him and he turned around with a cute half-smile "Save me a seat!!"

"Lea! Behave yourself. We're at a formal setting. It's not nice to shout." Pike hissed at me irritably and stalked off towards my parents' table. Rolling my eyes, I looked around at the rest of the gathering. My eyes met the gorgeous irises that i tended to drown in. Somebody was talking to him very exuberantly while Tania replied animatedly with a huge smile plastered on her face. Chris didn't seem to be paying attention and his smile dimmed a little as we locked eyes. Neither of us broke eye contact nor smiled. Chris broke the stare first as Tania tugged on his arm to get his attention. He smiled at his group and excused himself.

I straightened up, thinking he was coming towards me. He walked towards me and past to the door leading to the garden, staring intently into my eyes the entire time. Almost like he was trying to say something. Something that I felt seemed very similar to "Follow me".

And so I did.


Entering the hall, I couldn't take my eyes off her. Her unmade up face, her wild hair tangling around her bare shoulders. Her smile lit up the entire hall, or so it seemed. How can one girl be so pretty without even trying? It isn't fair to the rest of the women here. She'd easily outrace all of them for the crown. Even the bride-to-be was dull compared to her and that's saying something considering the former had a Cheshire cat smile on her face. I looked around, trying to be inconspicuous in my quest for her, but the frustration grew as my eyes repeatedly roved every inch of the room but couldn't find the brunette in light blue. Where the hell is she? She was right here.

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