Chapter-18: Time yet?

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I started towards Lea. I decided it's time to tell the truth. About everything and everyone. I was gonna do it. Confess to her. Its time. Yes. It is time!


"Andy, could you get the door?" Mom called from the kitchen. We were all sitting on the assorted chairs in the living room. I was sitting cross-legged on the floor letting Hershey lick stray melted drops of ice cream dribbling down my chin. I bounced up, happily to the door. Tania stood there with Mandy in tow and I could see Doc walking down the driveway. "Hey .. Um come on in."

"Is your mom home? We really need to speak with her." Tania said bluntly. It seemed obvious that she'd been crying. Her eyes were red and puffy, her voice nasal. She pushed past me roughly and went into the living room. I bent down to hug Mandy and she kissed me on the cheek. "Go on in. Brandy is in the living room with the others. Go on!!" I patted her lightly on the back and straightened up. I found myself staring into Chris' enticing eyes. We didn't utter a word, but our silence spoke volumes.

He pressed a note in my palm finally and said "it was addressed to you. I guess it must have blown away from the door. You need to read it here and now." Confused, I opened it up. It read thus,
"Leandra Tanning. You are beauty incarnate. I love you. I'm watching you. Always watching you. You may think you're safe from my sight. But you and everyone around you should know this. They cannot have you. No one can.

You are mine. "

The last three words seemed to have be written very forcefully, the impression could be felt on the other side of the thick card sheet. The strokes seemed to be in anger. I looked up alarmed. Somehow these words. This doesn't sound like love to me. Sounds like obsession. I gaped at Chris. He looked stressed and worried about my reaction. Before either of us could say anything, Tania and my mom came to the foyer and asked Chris to join them in the kitchen.


She got my note, I see. She doesn't seem so pleased with my declaration. Hmm... She should be. WHY ISN'T SHE?! I raged against myself inside. She should be happy that someone loves her as much as I do. The stupid girl doesn't realise. Maybe its time to end her relationship with That Boy once and for all. Maybe then... THEN she'll love me. Only me.


"Lea ?? What's wrong?" Charlie enquired, concerned when I walked into the living room in a daze. I clutched the note tightly in front of me. Unconcerned about anyone else,I trudged slowly up the stairs. I've heard of and read about people having stalkers and receiving notes. I always thought women overreacted to these notes. But actually receiving really is scary. To think that someone might actually be watching her at this moment. Her friends! Her family!

Precisely at that moment, I heard a loud whimper and a thud. I looked around frantic, for the source of the noise. "Where's Hershey?! Where is he???" I panicked and ran outside. He was nowhere to be seen. Radhika, Pike and Brandon came from the living room and Charlie appeared behind me from nowhere. "I heard the noise first. I can't find your dog, Lea. I checked the street just before you ran out" "Guys.... Guys... GUYS!! Hershey..." My voice rose higher and higher increasingly sounding like sobs. Tears welled up. "He whimpered. Loudly. Something...." I choked out and ran helter skelter round my front yard, looking under bushes and over to Mr.Lee's garden.

"Over here. Oh Hershey. You poor baby. OVER HERE!!" Radhika yelled from the side of the house. I ran, skidding on the slick grass. "He's okay, Lea. Just hurt. He's gonna be fine", Brandon said holding my arm and pulling me off the the ground. "Moooomm Call the vet!" "But.. Brandon... What happened?" I sobbed into his shoulder and looked at my precious dog. There was ...blood. Quite a bit of it too. "He's okay Lea. He hurt his head." Radhika said. She sat cross legged on the blood-smeared grass, holding Hershey's head tenderly on her lap. She was muttering soothing words in his ear and rubbing his back.

"Look guys. He must have somehow hurt himself on this." Charlie said holding out a branch the width of my forearm, one end of which was slightly bloody with a few odd hairs stuck to it.

"I don't think he hurt himself. I think someone hurt him on purpose". We all turned around at that and saw Doc standing there with his hand in his pocket and an odd look on his face. Tania stood by him, mouth agape and sucking in air noisily. "What are you talking about? Why would anyone want to hurt a poor dog?" Brandon asked, one arm protectively around on my shoulder.
"To get to Lea of course."


I had not meant for this to happen. It wasn't my plan. But I had to let her know I meant it. She thinks this is some kind of joke? Its my LIFE! And hers, whether she likes it or not. I'm sick of never being the first to be chosen. I ALWAYS GET WHAT I WANT. The dog was, but a casualty. I intended for things to be smooth, but now it seems like people are gonna have to get hurt.

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