Chapter-7: Slumber party for two.

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I tapped my feet impatiently, waiting for what seemed like ever. I watched as a gleaming pair of headlights turned onto Pike's street and slowed to a stop near me. Arms still crossed, a defiant look on my face, I challenged the driver to say something. Chris frowned, sighed and pinched his eyebrows together "Get in the car Lea. Its been a really long day and I don't have time for your childishness"

I folded my petite figure into the car and slammed the door. "So... I thought you were going to be grounded. As well you should be." Dr.Christian Levine said.

"Isneakedoutwhennoonewaslooking", I mumbled. Chris artfully arched a single beautiful eyebrow at me as he drove through the winding streets to his quarters at the local Med school.

"Look, Doc. I know you're mad at me for what I said earlier about Maria -" "Tania", he corrected me tiredly. "Right. Tania. But you gotta know that it came as a shock to me right?", I sat up straighter in the seat and turned to face him "I mean, you never even mentioned MEETING someone, let alone asking her to marry you!! That's not like you!"

"Lea, why are you of the opinion that I'm not the kind to marry? Have I, in any way given you the impression that I like to, what do you call it these days? Play the field? Tania is a perfectly nice, sweet,intelligent woman and I personally think it'd be really good for Mandy. She needs a woman in her life.", Chris tried reasoning with me. I could hear the tiredness in his voice and I knew he found my behaviour to be childish.

"I completely agree that Mandy needs a woman in her life. Tania might be a wonderful mother for all I know. But she isn't the only one in the world!! She just isn't right for you, Doc. And you know it as well as I do.", I rushed out at him trying to make him understand! Why won't he listen to me? She's not his type! She doesn't know him nearly as much as I do.

"Why do you think she isn't right? Huh, Lea? Why? Because she's not sexy? She looks to plain compared to all the women you've seen me with. Is that it? Well, Lea! If those women were my type, I'd have married one of them by now. Don't you think? Sure they're hot and would do for when I'm in need" I flinched a little at that "Oh come on, you're old enough for this. I'm not looking for random hookups anymore. I have to think of Mandy's future. And as her elder sister and well-wisher, you should be thinking of it too"

I couldn't help but sigh. He had a point. Doesn't mean it has to be HER!! "Okay. If you're happy and Mandy is too, then I'm happy" I resigned, slouching back into the seat and crossing my arms.


*Thud* "CATCH!" "Owww!! You're supposed to throw AFTER you say catch! Not WHILE you throw it!", I said and frowned as I rubbed my arm where the rockhard pillow had slammed into me. Chris grinned his charming schoolboy grin complete with the dimples. I wish he looked ugly just for tonight. With my hormones already on the fastlane, his looks are just making my lust a lot harder to reign in.

"Well well, look at you. Making your bed, arranging your pillows. The perfect little housewife you'd make." Chris said slyly winking at me. "Oh shut up and make yourself useful. Gimme a hand with this pillow case why don't you?",I grumbled.

I was in a foul mood since the silence in the car after I'd given up trying to convince Chris not to marry Miss.Oh-Kids-are-such-a-joy. I could tell he was trying to lighten the mood but was deeply hurt by my irrationality in accepting his decision.

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