We Should Go Out

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Troye's POV:

I have no idea how to react when I hear Tyler's easily recognizable voice. He's my new roommate? The realization feels like a punch in the face. I never thought I would have to face him again. Last night I actually managed to keep and thoughts concerning what happened enter my mind. Now they are all flowing in. At least I have the chance to apologize.

I call out to him and he enters the room completely, looking taken aback. Nice to know I'm not the only one that's shocked. He asks me what I'm doing here as if it isn't obvious enough.

"This is my dorm."

"So you're my roommate?" It seems like he's talking more to himself than he is to me. Like he has to say it out loud in order to properly process that this is actually happening. I don't think it has fully sunk in for me either because I'm trying to figure out how to react. All I know is that this could possibly be really awkward.

And it is.

I don't know how long we stand there, avoiding each other's eyes. Both of must be dreading the conversation that was destined to happen. We're going to have to talk about at some point considering we're going to be living together. Why not now? Plus I'm never going to be able to face him without the fact that I abandoned him nagging at the back of my mind. In order for us to be friends I need him to know that I'm sorry.

I clear my throat in order to get his attention, "So about last night..." I see his shoulders sink, an gesture suggesting that he really hoped that I wasn't going to bring it up.

"We don't have to talk about it. I understand why you ran. You have a boy friend and felt it would be wrong to go behind his back and kiss someone else. I get it." He lays down on one of the twin beds in the room and looks up at the ceiling, sighing. "It's fine Troye, really."

Something in his voice hints that what happened was everything but "fine". Im curious but I don't want to bother him by asking about it if he doesn't want to talk. I'll save the question for another day. I can tell he's starting to get uncomfortable so I decide to just wrap this thing up with my apology. "Okay, but I just want you to know that I'm really sorry for getting up and leaving like that."

"I said it's fine," the steely tone he speaks in leads me to want to change the topic, quickly. What do I talk about though? I give the room a once-over searching for anything that would spark a decent topic to discuss. After finding nothing, my eyes rest on Tyler. I take in his appearance and smile at the shirt he is wearing. It's a rainbow tie-dye one that says "Yay Gay". I think it's cute.

"Nice shirt," I say and sit down on the other bed opposite of Tyler. He sits up and looks at his shirt then giggles.

"Thanks, it's Korey's actually, I had to borrow it for today. I think might keep it.. He won't notice."

"If you do, just know that I'll want to wear it at some point. Roommates always share clothes and stuff right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine with you using my things as long as you ask and please please don't steal my hair products. They're a very important part of maintaining this mess," he gestures to his mane of blue hair which looks nice, in a messy way at least.

"Don't mess with the hair product. Got it." I sit down on my bed that is opposite of Tyler's and look around the room just now noticing how dull Tyler's side looks compared to mine. He had nothing while I had posters up of my favorite music artists as well as pictures of my family and friends. I also have my black bedspread and I nightstand with a blue @ lamp on top.

"Where is your stuff anyway?" I question. You'd expect a person to actually have their things with them when they're moving into their dorm.

"Oh, it's all at my mom's house. I was staying over there for the summer so that she wouldn't be lonely. She's still adjusting to life without having to take care of me. And I also kind of missed her." He starts blushing as if admitting he misses his mother is embarrassing.

The Perfect Roommate (Troyler AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin