A Second Chance

452 21 17

Troye's POV:

"Who was that?" Caspar ask. He's talking about the guy that just walked up to me and told me I was an "amazing" singer. The fact that some guy to time out of his life to walk up to me and compliment my singing made my day. And he was a cute guy at that. If I wasn't dating Rider I would definitely get to know him (if you know what I mean). He even started blushing when he talked to me which was adorable. But I do have Rider so that's not happening. Speaking of, I should probably call him, tell him how everything went.

"Hellooo? Back to Earth," Caspar waves his hands in front of my face. Oh right.

"That was... Tyler I think his name was. He told me I was an amazing singer." I mime flipping my hair as I say that.

"Oh shut up. Don't get cocky," he lightly shoves my shoulder, laughing. I laugh too and shove him back. We start "play fighting" like a couple of kids until I tell him to stop.

"Enough fucking around, I've gotta call Rider. Be right back."

I reach in my back pocket to grab my phone and search through my contacts until I find "Rider <3" as I walk out the door to the cafe. I probably should have waited until I was outside when I did that because I run right into a girl who was trying to enter as I was trying to leave. I mutter "Sorry", but all she does is roll her eyes at me.

I step outside and dial Rider's number. He picks up on the third ring.

"Hey babe, how'd everything go?"

"It went great everyone clapped and afterwards someone came up to me and told me I was an amazing singer." I fail to mention that it was a guy who said that, Rider can get kinda jealous.

"See? I told you everything would be fine."

"Yeah, yeah. Thinking of you helped a lot."

"Oh, so it was my good looks that made you do great?" I can picture him smirking.

"Shut it, you."

"Okay, okay."

"Well I've got to get back to Joe, Caspar, and Louise. I'll talk to you later. Love you, bye."

"Bye Troye."

Only after I go back inside do I realize that that Rider didn't say I love you back. It saddens me a little, but I think nothing of it. He probably just forgot. When I meet back up with my friends I notice that two new people have been added to the group. Louise sees the confused look on my face and begins to explain.

"Troye, meet Dan and and Phil. Dan and Phil meet Troye. They're friends of mine. They like good music, so I told them to come down here and watch you perform."

Phil reaches out his hand. I also reach mine out and we shake them. "Nice to meet you," I smile and say.

"You too. You were really great up there. Might want to look into a career in the music industry."

"Thanks and maybe I will."

"So how long are you here for. You're from Australia right?

"Yeah Perth, Australia, I'm trying out America for a year, maybe longer. I actually got into UCLA so that's where I'll be staying. I move into my dorm Sunday. One downside is that I don't know anyone there. Guess I'll have to make some new friends."

I continue talking with Dan and Phil for a while when they say they have to leave. I may have made the mistake of asking if they were a couple. I mean they acted like one so I didn't think it would hurt to ask. They quickly insisted that they were "just friends". I ask Louise about it and she tells me her and a few other people have bets on when they'll come out. It's all just fun and games though, I bet they're really good friends that's all.

I glance at my phone to check the time. 6:12pm. Joe and Caspar said they were going to take me to a party tonight at 8. They said it was boys' night out. It'll also be my first party in LA. And it's a college party. That should be interesting.

Tyler's POV:

Holy shit, there is a God. Troye is going to UCLA! I might get to see him everyday on campus. So I may or may not have been eavesdropping to find out this information. but does it matter? I'm happy, now I have a second chance to make a good impression on him. I'm bound to run into him sometime when school starts up in a few days. What if he doesn't remember me? I just go up to him, say "Hi Troye", and he looks at me like Who the fuck are you? Pft who could forget me? I've got a blue quiff. Oh good, I'm back to my normal self: cocky as fuck.

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I check the caller ID and see that it's my best friend, Korey.


"You're still going to the party with me Sawyer and Zoe right?"

"Hell yeah, I need to do some partying before school starts up. Besides, it's been a while since I've gotten drunk with Sawyer."

"It's always fun to see you and Sawyer drunk together. So I'm guessing I'm the designated driver then?"

"Yep. Or Zoe."

"Okay, well we're meeting up at my apartment a half hour before we leave. It's almost 6:30 so you have an hour."

"Can I just come over now? I'm bored as hell in this cafe. Oh and I have to tell you about this gorgeous guy I saw today."

"Now I'm interested. Sure, you can come."

"Alright, see you in a few."



I hang up the phone then gather my things and leave the cafe. I pass Troye on the way out. He and his friends had settled at a table by then. I swear I see him glance at me, smile, then look away quickly. I guess I have caught his attention. I smirk slightly to myself, kind of excited to see that he noticed me.

I find my car in the parking lot. Throw my stuff in the back and get in the driver's seat. As I drive, I only pay half attention to the road ahead. It could be easily guessed what's on my mind. That's right, the one and only Troye. It sounds like something that would happen in a cliche romance movie: you see a guy once and can't stop thinking about him. It's probably just a passing phase. I'm not known for being stuck on one guy for a long period of time. Not that I'm a slut, I just haven't found anyone I have strong enough feelings for to commit to a long-term relationship with them. Unless Troye's my soul mate. I chuckle at the thought. I highly doubt that.

Before I know it, I'm in front of Korey's apartment building. I park my car and make my way to the building. When inside, I take the elevator up to the fifth floor, where Korey lives. I walk down the hallway. 5A... 5B... 5C... 5D. Here we go. I do the knock pattern Frozen. From the other side of the door I hear Korey yell, "I swear, if you start singing 'Do You Want to Build a Snowman', as soon as I open the door, I'm slapping you."

I yell back, "Do you have to ruin all of my fun? Ugh just open the door."

I hear footsteps and the doors lock click. "So, tell me about this ever so gorgeous guy you saw today."

The Perfect Roommate (Troyler AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin