One Last Party

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Troye's POV:

We arrive at the party a short time after eight. Joe had been assigned the role of designated driver, so I'm pretty much free to do whatever the hell I want. I still have that nervous feelin glingering from singing in front of people for the first  time at that cafe. This party is what I need to help me take a load off. When I walk into the frat house, where the party is being hosted, I notice that it isn't in full swing yet. I ask Joe if it's too early to be here, but he tells me it's cool and that people normally show up about a half-hour to an hour after the party is said to start. I nod, hoping that people show up sooner than usual so that it won't be as awkward. Caspar and Joe go off to talk to some guys they know that live here. Feeling a little abandoned, I wander around the house, looking for something to do.

I soon find myself in the kitchen. There's a keg on the dining table with stacks of red plastic cups next to it. I grab a cup and fill it with the beer. I've only had beer one other time a while ago, so at first the unfamiliar liquid causes me to grimace before I become used to it again. I finish the contents of the cup and continue meandering around. A little later and I'm back where I started, the front door. Great I'vegone in a full circle and I'm still bored as hell. So much for fun. Maybe when everyone else shows up, the party will get better and it will be easier to figure out what to do while I'm here. Just as I finish thinking that, there's a knock at the door. I look around for one of the residents that live here. Seeing no one, I take it upon myself to answer the door. I open the door to the sight of a group of five people talking. They walk right past me so I don't get to see their faces. A little rude that not one of them bothered to say thank you for letting them in if you ask me. I'm not annoyed for too long  though because as they walk by I can't help but noticea flash of blue hair that I know I recognize form somewhere. Now where have I seen that before? I search my brain, trying to remember. Then it comes to me. Right, the cafe! But what's his name? I can't believe I forgot it, I only saw him a few hours ago. Then again, my memory is shit so... They are about to leave my sight when I suddenly recall his name, "Tyler!"

He turns around, confused, looking for the source that called. I smile, remembering what he said earlier and then wave at him so that he knows it was me. He spots, then returns the smile and waves back. He spins back around to face one of his friends, the one with a beard and mustache. Tyler says something to him and the guy looks at me and cocks his eyebrow. He says something back to Tyler. Then Tyler starts to stride toward me while the other people he was with heads off in the opposite direction. He smiles another toothy smile, "Hey Troye, I'm surprised you remember me from the cafe."

"It was the hair that helped me realize who you are. Just so you know, your compliment made my day." A hint of pink begins to appear on his cheeks.

"It did?"

"Yeah, it did. Today was my first time singing in front of q group of strangers. Everyone seemed to like it, buy you were the only one that personally went up to me and told me I did good. At first, I was confident that everyone had truly enjoyed it, but as the day wore one, I sarted to doubt that their enthusiasm was genuine. Then I thought of what you said, and it made me feel better and... I don't know, special? And I have no idea why I am telling you this you were probably just being nice." I really do have no idea why I am telling him this. It was a glimpse into my personal thoughts and I just shared it with a stranger? I usually just keep things like that to myself. I must have just gotten caught up in the  moment and it slipped out. I hope Tyler doesn't think I'm weird or anything now..

He plants his hand on my shoulder, "Trust me, you have an incredible voice and you're crazy talented. No doubt about it." He laughs and winks at me. I really like his laugh, it is one of those laughs that light up your whole face and a contagious one so it  just make people around you want to laugh with you. A real, honest laugh, nothing fake about it which is what I hear most of the time. I join in the laughter and give him a shy thank you.

The Perfect Roommate (Troyler AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin