Spin the Bottle

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Tyler's POV:

When we arrive at the front door of the frat house for the party, all of us were in a heated conversation about what we thought the best TV shows were. It may sound silly from an outside point of view, but we're really into it. So much so, that none of us even took the time to thank whoever opened the door for us. That thought slips right out of my head when I hear Sawyer trying to throw shade on Big Brother. Before I get the opportunity to defend my favourite show, I hear someone shout my name. I don't think anyone else I socialize with is here besides Zoe, Alfie, Korey and Sawyer. I wonder who it could be. Whoever it was had an accent that sounded very much like something I had heard before. Wait... No, it can't be. What are the odds that he could possibly be here? Sure enough, when I see someone waving in my direction, behind that absolutely gorgeous smile, is the one, the only Troye Mellet. Cue dramatic lighting. He actually remembered me! I can feel the corners of my mouth turn up into a wide smile as I wave back to him. Then I towards my friends, tying keep my extreme level of excitement contained.

"Who's that?" Korey says, noticing the encounter."

"That, Korey dear, is Troye- with an e- Mellet," I wriggle my eyebrows up and down at him.

"That's him? Holy fuck, he is highly attractive. Even if though he doesn't have a beard." Korey has a thing for hot bearded guys. I have no idea why, but he does.

I sigh dramatically and look into the distance as if I'm about to say something serious. "As much as it pains me to leave my loving friends, I must go now and seduce that cutie patootie right over there."

"Yes. Go go go. Don't let us stop you."

"Later loser."

"Have fun."

"Oh you know I will," I wink at him before he walks away with the others. I turn back to Troye, my smile returning, then strut over to him. This time I'm not very nervous, but it still feels like there are tiny butterflies in my stomach. It's so annoying.

"Hey Troye, I'm surprised you remember me from the cafe."

"It was the hair that helped me realized who you were. Just so you know, your compliment made my day." Sometimes I really wish I could control the way my body reacts in certain situations. Even though I willed them not to do it, I feel my cheeks flame up. I internally scold myself for blushing at the slightest things. Aside from the ever so unwelcomed blushing episode, it made me feel happy when Troye said I made his day. It was just a spur of the moment thing, I said the first thing that came to mind.

"It did?"

"Yeah, it did. Today was my first time singing in front of q group of strangers. Everyone seemed to like it, buy you were the only one that personally went up to me and told me I did good. At first, I was confident that everyone had truly enjoyed it, but as the day wore one, I sarted to doubt that their enthusiasm was genuine," I listen to his words, confused as to why he would ever think that. His voice is beyond amazing, not like anything I have heard before. He looks away from me, making it seem like he's talking more so to himself than he is to me, "Then I thought of what you said, and it made me feel better and... I don't know, special?" he snaps back to reality and faces me again. "And I have no idea why I am telling you this you were probably just being nice." He smiles and awkward half smile that flickers away right after it appears. I wish he would have kept it there, it was cute. Troye looks deep in thought as a frown replaces the smile that was once there. I try to quickly think of something to say that would put a smile back on face, I hate seeing people upset. Complimenting his vocal skills worked once, why not again?

I place my hand on his shoulder, hoping that the gesture is comforting, "Trust me, you have an incredible voice and you're crazy talented. No doubt about it." I say with a smile so that he knows I mean what I say. I don't stay serious for long though as I begin giggling and wink at him. His frown is no where to be found when he mumbles a thanks shyly and joins in with my laughter. It must have worked. I feel pretty accomplished knowing that I lifted his spirits twice in one day.

The Perfect Roommate (Troyler AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin