concealer 'n bruises

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hi !! this chapter features some more unconventional characters that some of u know so !! keep a look out <3

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hi !! this chapter features some more unconventional characters that some of u know so !! keep a look out <3


A sock to my gut.

And another. 

And another.

It's almost a full-out attack, fists against my shuddering torso like a barrage of bullets. Fuck does it hurt.




I can hear the yells, can barely see the faces, but the lockers seem suffocating in this moment, no one to pull me out of the haze and the constrictions. It's not the first time. There's a withering laugh, then another onslaught.

My shoulders sag in exhaustion.

Any moment now, and they'll be done. Any moment now and I can walk away from this quiet little part of the hall once they get tired of attacking me. Punches are painful as fuck. But, temporary.

One the few members of the lacrosse team have decided that they're done attacking me, they exhale a few grunts, one last push against my chest as they make their way down the halls.

Everywhere hurts.

Seven more months. Seven more months.

And I do fucking refuse to let anyone see me cry, including myself. Not about something as shitty as this. Just means that they won. And I'm not fucking ready to let that shit happen.

So, my shoulders sag. The halls are empty, bare of anyone and anything. So, I hobble over. Down the hall, outside of the classroom, outside of the school. Sun filters onto my face, and it's hard to catch my breath as I sidle over to the little 7 Eleven a couple minutes away from the school.

At the front counter, the cashier looks up. Her hair is in a buzzcut, and she sends me one of those soft, sad-looking smiles.

"Hey, you alright?" She's leaning over the counter, her eyes are soft, sad. Familiar as per usual.

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