evelyn perez is music

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no bc i adore 1950 by king princess so i implore u to listen to it while reading if u want pls

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no bc i adore 1950 by king princess so i implore u to listen to it while reading if u want pls


Evelyn Perez's voice is something out of a dream. 

As in, girl can sing. She's almost absentminded as she does so, her hair pulled half up, the rest down in curls. Pasta wafts from the stove in her house, and she stands right in front of it, her voice travelling to the air as she stirs every so often.

Her eyelashes are a deep brown, only carefully shadowing her eyes, long and beautiful and fucking tantalizing. The girl can ruin me, will ruin me. She's wearing one of those overall dresses that stops at her mid-calves, a pale tank top beneath it. 

1950 plays from Evelyn's phone, her lips moving as the extremely sapphic-as-fuck lyrics escape her lips.

The fact that she knows all the lyrics by heart makes me wonder how the fuck this girl did not know she was a lesbian. 

Rising from her dining table, I make my way over to the stove where she stands, eyes flicking over to mine, those faint freckles tossed over her features. I purse my lips, my eyes on her as one of those laughs escapes her lips. "What?"

I nod slowly, a faint smirk curving onto my lips. "You're gay." 

A flush crosses her features as she swats at me with her free hand. "I thought we already established that." 

"No because, you're really gay." My eyes widen. "The useless lesbian energy is staggering." I say, eyes still wide as I stagger backwards slightly, a hand resting on my chest. My eyebrows knit together. "How and why did you stay with him for so fucking long?"

It's a pressing question, after all. I find it hard to believe that Evelyn Perez never considered the fact that she might not be straight. However, it's still more than possible. It's not easy coming to terms with your sexuality. Still, even with sexuality aside, I wonder how she managed to stay with him for so long.

Evelyn's lips purse, full and alluring. My eyes drift back to her eyes, and I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. Finally, she exhales. 

"I have no idea,"  she says, eyebrows knitting together. "I knew I was never attracted to him, but I never really thought I could break up with him." Her voice is soft. "I wasn't sure if I thought I could make myself fall in love with him or whatever, but I never actually thought about cutting it off."

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