me 'n fruit

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I'm shaking.

The only time I'm ever this infused with energy is right before a track meet. It's that moment when you jump from foot to foot, rolling your shoulders back as you jog onto the track. You're scared as fuck, but your grin is wide and your heart is pounding as hard as ever, and you can just hear the cheers from the sidelines. 

Your heartbeat is audible in your fucking ears. A feeling like no other.

That's how I feel right now. My chest is swelling with all sorts of electricity, and I feel all of it zipping through my veins as I inhale my reflection.

It's safe to say that I've changed more than three times. Which isn't exactly abnormal for me, given that I don't plan what I'm about to wear the next day clothing article by clothing article. Still, I seem to be overthinking more than usual.

My curls are tousled over my head, a golden ring on both of my helix piercings. My gaze travels down to my torso. A short-sleeved dress shirt with the first few buttons undone. It's a pale blue with watercolor-esque clouds floating across my chest.

 It essentially engulfs me, and that's how I like it. Engulfing me, tucked into black shorts with white contour designs all over them.

My eyes drift to my phone in hand, clasped tightly, Fruit's messages on the screen. We'd agreed to meet at the local amusement park. It's grand, bright-lights, loud music and good-ass food stands with corndogs and deep fried sugar-infused foods.

I'd recommended it to him, my fingers flying over my phone before I exhaled, eyes widening. Because, fuck, this is really happening. Fruit arrived here earlier this morning, and he arrived at his relatives' place, shooting me a million texts a minute.

It's strange being here. Because somehow, I know Fruit. At least, I know his mind. He's awkward, slightly blunt, chaotically good, and filled with energy. He doesn't post all that often, and his profile picture on Instagram is an image of a blind contour drawing.

My mind can't help conjuring images of him, how it's going to be like to finally see him in person, talk to him, bask in his physical presence, see his laughs instead of the crying emojis I'm far more used to.

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