Thanks for the Memories

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Stay up late and we'd talk all night

In a dark room lit by the TV light

Through all the hard times in my life

Those nights kept me alive

-"Those Nights", Skillet

Thanks for the Memories

He opened his eyes, staring at the metal roof above him. Miles Prower reluctantly pulled himself out of bed.

After the Metarex War, he had decided make his home in the Blue Typhoon. Knuckles had gone back to guarding the Master Emerald, and the Chaotix went back to…whatever they did. Amy and Cream had heard the call of the city, moving into Mobotropolis with its towering skyscrapers and flashing lights. And Sonic was pretty much anywhere and everywhere. But Miles had chosen to stay here. This was all he had left. Everyone else had gone out and made new lives for themselves. Sure, they still came together to fend off new threats now and then, but it wasn't a lifestyle anymore.

He went over and checked the calendar. Thursday, November 24th. He decided that he might as well try to find something to be thankful for. It might even put him in a better mood. He sat down on his couch, spacing out as he tried to think of something. God, I just wanna thank you for…for…I don't know? Life? Cause that's going so well. What's happened to me? Life used to be great. Why can't things just go back to the way they were? My friends are gone. And Cosmo..She's…

"Hey, Tails. Don't mind me. I just came to take a look at the-oh." Sonic stopped talking when he noticed that the young fox was crying. "Tails, you okay?"

Miles broke from his trance and looked up at his best friend. "What?" He realized he was crying and wiped the tears away. "Uh, yeah. I'm fine."

"No. No you're not. You need some fresh air. This place isn't good for you. Tell you what. Why don't we go out on a run, just like old times."

"Really?" At this the kitsune perked up. "That'd be awesome."

"Well then let's go!" He ran out of the Typhoon, Miles right on his heels.

They ran first through the grassy plain directly to the South of the Massive space station. Miles could feel the sun beating down on him. It was a beautiful day. Cosmo would have loved it. Stop it! Be thankful that you're even out here! He had to admit, it felt nice, running around with Sonic again. He wished it could last forever.

He didn't have much time to think on the rest of the run. He was too busy making sure he didn't run into any of the trees that mad up the forest they had just entered. He could, however, devote some energy to his disappointment that the canopy above him obscured the light. It almost felt like he was running blind. He was glad when they reached a wide clearing surrounding a lake.

As Miles rested by the lake, he began thinking over his life. What's missing? What did I lose over these past few years? And he thought back. Back before Robotnik had taken over.

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