Chapter 19 / Suspicions

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Chapter Nineteen

"That piece of shit bastard fucking said what?"

Malia turned to the left, watching as an older couple looked their way in clear shock and disapproval. The woman openly gasped and clutched her pearls—which made Malia have to refrain from laughing at the fact that she was actually wearing them to begin with.

"You mind keeping your voice low?" Malia asked when she looked across the table at her best friend, barely containing her giggles. "You're gonna give that poor old lady a heart attack."

Jalen's blue eyes turned that way, taking in the old woman's exaggerated position. "Maybe grandma should learn to mind her motherfucking business," he said in a louder voice. "We got real shit going on over here, alright? Stop fucking judging."

"Jalen," Malia tried scolding, but she failed to keep her laughs at bay.

Her best friend had no filter—she knew that. But she still never managed to stop being shocked over the shit that came out of his mouth. If there was one thing Jalen and David had in common, it was that they always knew how to turn the darkest things into comedy.

The reminder of David stung, but the pain was dull, and she was sure that was a good sign.

"Nosey bitch," Jalen muttered to himself as he reached for his glass, taking a sip before giving Malia his full attention again. "Anyway, you were saying?"

She bit her lip, trying to keep a smile off her face because their conversation was no laughing matter. "I was repeating what Kendrick said, and I think I'll throw up if I say it again, so I hope you heard it the first time."

"Oh, I heard that bullshit," Jalen said with a scoff, putting his glass down and leaning back in his chair. "He's such a fucking prick. Fuck him and his dead heir to his stupid company."

Malia didn't even bother shushing him or looking around, knowing anyone who heard those words had a reason to be appalled. But she knew where her friend was coming from, and half of her agreed.

The other half felt horrible—that was what guilt did.

"And the nerve to say that shit right after the whole thing with the restraining order," Jalen continued, shaking his head. "Not sure if I've said this before, but I fucking hate Kendrick."

"You have, plenty of times," she reminded him. "I do, too. I'm sure he said that on purpose."

"He definitely did," Jalen agreed. "That vindictive piece of shit. It's not even your fault that the restraining order is up."

"No, but it's my fault I even needed one in the first place."

That was the wrong thing to say. Jalen's jaw clenched, eyes narrowing as he took in her words. "How the fuck is any of that your fault?"

Malia swallowed hard. "Kenneth is crazy, yes, but I—"

"You what?" Jalen interrupted, leaning forward. "You did nothing wrong."

Agitation was clear in his tone, and she always hated dealing with a pissed off Jalen. Especially when she was the reason he was so riled up. "Mistakes were made on all sides, Jalen. I can't put the blame on everyone else."

"Fuck yeah you can," he replied, waving a hand around. "When the world is full of assholes who make it their mission in life to screw you over, then you have every right to blame them."

She was ready to argue his point, before taking a moment to think it over. She knew Jalen was mostly projecting—wanting to blame everyone else in his own life for his issues.

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