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"I don't want to go," Dean whined, standing on the curb at the airport.

"I know, but you have to. Ole was so nice to let you come here. You gotta go back though," Hannah sighed as she went to put Emily into her snuggly.

Emily started fussing a little bit, and she held her arms out to him, "Da," she whined.

"No don't do that," Dean gently took his niece, "can I take her back to Manchester with me?"

"That's gonna be a no," Hannah shook her head.

"What if you and Jesse come with us for a week or two?" Dean pushed.

"He never gives up," Jesse whispered in Marie's ear.

"Definitely not," Marie chuckled.

Marie could see that Hannah was actually contemplating it. Marie hoped that Hannah and Jesse would go back to Manchester. Emily hadn't been to England ever, and it had been months since Hannah was there.

"I'd love to, but I really don't want to travel right now, Dean."

"I travelled!"

"And I'm grateful that you did," Hannah smiled.

"Right now, we just want to stay in Chicago," Soffs explained, setting his hands on Hannah's shoulders, "Emily is so young, and that is a very long flight."

"All these excuses," Dean huffed rolling his eyes.

"Stop that!" Hannah rolled her eyes, "Dean, Emily doesn't even have a passport yet."

"Great! That just means she can't ever leave England, and she'll end up with a cute accent!" Dean grinned as Soffs took Emily back.

"Uhhh pretty sure that's not how it would work, Dean. Emily wouldn't be allowed to leave the airport without a passport," Jesse rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well aren't you just a kill joy," Dean huffed, folding his arms.

"Sorry, mate," Jesse tried not to laugh.

"Come here, you," Marie smiled.

The goalie walked over to her with a big smile. She gave him a tight hug. He rubbed her back and kissed her forehead. She smiled and pat his back.

"I'm gonna miss you, Deano. It's been good to see you again."

"You too. It's really quiet in Manchester without both of you," he rest his arm on her shoulder.

"I'm sure you're all grateful for that," Marie joked, "Edward especially."

"We actually do miss you two. Occasionally," he smirked.

"Dobber," Marie sneered.

"Well that's not new," Hannah laughed.

"You two are so damn mean. Ya know what? I'm only gonna miss Emily," Dean huffed.

"That's the correct choice," Soffs laughed.

Marie watched as Hannah carefully took Emily from him. She cuddled her daughter as her husband and brother hugged each other. Dean then turned to say good bye to Jesse. They gave each other a quick hug, and Jesse wished him luck with the new season.

"Here, Emily and I will walk with you to TSA," Hannah offered.

"Gimme the baby. You take the bags," Dean held his hands out.

"Fine only because I'm feeling nice," Hannah gave Emily to Dean.

"Have a good flight, Dean," Marie smiled.

"Thanks. Talk to you soon! You all need to come back to England soon!"

"We'll work on it, promise," Jesse smiled.

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