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"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

Marie threw her arms around Jesse's neck as the two of them kissed. Fireworks exploded in the sky above them, but they didn't compare to the fireworks she felt in her heart. Jesse held her tightly against him as they kissed.

"Happy new year," he whispered pulling away slightly.

"Happy new year," she grinned back at him.

"I'D LIKE TO MAKE A TOAST!" Hannah yelled.

"Not even two minutes into the new year, and Hannah's already yelling. That's gotta be a record," Marie smirked.

"Shut it," Hannah glared at her as she used her fiancé to help her get up on to a chair. She was a little instead in her massive heels. Marie had no idea how she was still in them and had managed not to fall yet. Jesse handed her a glass of champagne as she looked around the rooftop full of their friends. "I would like to make a toast to Marie!"

"Hannah, stop!" Marie hissed as everyone turned to look at her. Jesse chuckled and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"How about no? Anyways, my best friend finally saw the light and moved out to Chicago, so here's to Marie having an awesome first full year in our beautiful city!"

"To Marie!" Jesse grinned, raising his glass.

"To Marie!" Everyone echoed and raised their glasses.

Marie raised her glass and took a sip of her champagne. She smirked watching Hannah struggle to get off the chair. She had seen her best friend have at least eight or nine glasses of wine that night. Jesse and Taylor helped make sure she didn't fall.

"You are such a brat, and I hate you," Marie walked over.

"You're such a liar," Hannah rolled her eyes, "but the sentiment stands. You're gonna have an awesome first year here in Chicago!"

"I agree," Taylor smiled and gave her a quick hug.

"Thanks, Taylor."

"So do you have a sweet hook up with tickets like Hannah does?" He asked.

"Probably, but I'm trying not to ask for too many things since they're still helping me find an apartment. If you want tickets, you're still gonna have to bother Hannah."

"Hey, Hannah, can I get tickets to the game in two days?" Taylor turned to Hannah.

"You only like me cuz of the free sports tickets," she complained.

"That's not true! I mean it's definitely a perk because you get these really really amazing seats, but I like you for other reasons. You're funny and smart too."

"Thanks," Hannah rolled her eyes.

"So is that a yes on the tickets?"

"Whatever, Taylor!" Hannah laughed and walked away, pulling Jesse with her.

"Should I plan on going?" Taylor looked at Marie and Jesse.

"Yeah. Just remind her later when she's not drunk," Marie laughed.

"Great! See you guys later!" Taylor grinned before walking off. 

"How is apartment hunting going?" Jesse asked as they walked over to the fire pits. The two of them sat down on one of the sofas. He put his arm around her shoulders, so she leaned into his chest.

"It's going pretty well actually. There are a few places that I like. I just need to choose. Do you want to come look at them with me?"

"Yeah I'd be happy to," Jesse smiled.

"Thank you," she grinned.

"Of course. Anything for you," he kissed her cheek.

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