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Senku's POV




I walked as fast as I could away from Gen or I don't know what I would've done. What do I do? Do I tell him that I like him or something? That wouldn't be right. Right? 



Narrator's POV

Few days passed after Gen and Senku's moment in the dark ........ Senku was trying to avoid Gen as much as he can. Gen was getting more and more restless when the one that he liked avoided him. Does he know about his feelings? Is that why he doesn't wanna be close to me anymore, various thoughts ran through Gen's mind ... every time he tried talking to Senku, he was "busy" and it was hurting Gen at this point. 


Everyone was preparing to sleep soon after today's hard work. Senku was preparing to go in the house to sleep just then Chrome showed up. 

" What happened?" he asked. 

"Actually Senku we can't sleep in our usual place tonight. You remember why right?"

That's when Senku bell rang and he let out an Ah ......

"Alright then where will we be sleeping ?" Senku asked looking at Chrome.

" You see I was invited by old man Kaseki to stay over and we wanted to discuss our new project anyway and you will be staying the night at Gen's for the time being".

To say Senku was blushing would be an understatement. His face was as deep red as a tomato that Chrome even asked Senku if he's ill or something which he replied with a no. 

A few minutes later Senku knocked on Gen's door. Gen opened the door with the brightest smile because he thought Chrome was coming to his place.

"  Welcome- " He didn't finish the sentence.

" Senku chan? What are you doing here? " he asked quietly, looking down a bit. 

" Chrome said I'll be staying here for the time being ? " he asked confused. 

" But I thought Chrome was the one staying here? " 

" No, he said that he will be staying with Kaseki ". 

" Oh alright .. Then come in or you'll catch a cold ".

Back at Kaseki's house**

"Old man, Do u think they'll be okay? " 

" Don't worry. They'll be fine "

Chrome was a bit worried since he and everyone else planned this together to get Gen and Senku talking to each other again. The tension between them was so obvious. Their faces turning red every time they touched each other was an accident or not, Keep glancing in each other's direction, always doing everything together. They looked so adorable together. But lately, they are avoiding each other and no one knew why. So they made this situation up to get them to talk. 

Back at Gen's place *


That all it was for the first fifteen minutes Senku was there. 

" Umm. So Senku chan which side you'll be taking? " Gen asked nervously. 

" Right ". Completely drowned in his thought, he answered without hearing what he was answering to.

" Well then you can lie down, the bed's ready ".

Then the realization hit Senku.

" Wait why there's only one bed ".

" Because I was the only person sleeping here? You don't have to worry though, it's good enough for two people " Gen replied nervously. He so wanted to run away and kill Chrome first. What was he thinking lying to him about him staying with Gen?

They both lay beside each other. Gen turned off the lights. None of them could sleep. Getting frustrated Senku started :

" Gen ? You asleep? " 

" No" 

" I'm sorry ." 

"Huh, why? "

"Because I ignored you. I didn't mean to, and I don't wanna have awkwardness between us. "

Gen now faced Senku chan beside him...




OOPs are not a cliffhanger but yeah the rest will be up later because it's gonna be long.......

LOve ya as always xx 

bye. see ya soon.

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