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After a few days later


After Gen ran off the day after the incident, with his injuries still not healed everyone was worried that he might tell Tsukasa all about our plans. I was worried too but not because of that reason. I didn't tell anyone but Gen wrote me a letter to bid me a proper goodbye before we meet again.

It said:-

Hey Senku-chan. Well, I'm leaving so that no one on the other side suspects me. I know what you are thinking, that I might tell Tsukasa that you are alive. Don't worry about it. I found something more interesting than this war, on your side and I'm gonna research more about it. Don't tell anyone that I wrote this. It wasn't easy for me to write this thing in my current state. Well, I'm gonna meet you soon Senku ;)goodbye till then.

Gen Asagiri.

Now you know why I wasn't worried about the fact that he might tell Tsukasa about me being alive. I was worried because his injuries weren't healed. That bastard, what if gets more hurt? I hope he handles it well there. But seriously he at least should've met me in person to tell me you know. Wait! Why am I worried about him???? NO-NO-NO. I'm not worried about him. It's just he should've told me this thing in person and not write it. For now, I gotta focus on Ruri's health.

Selection for the new Chief was gonna held soon and our science team was in practice to beat Magma and others so that we can take the wine and complete the medicine for Ruri.

Few days later .........

Gen's POV

I'm on my way to Ishigami village and I'm gonna reach real soon there.

After few minutes of exhausting running, the village came in view. I saw Senku-chan and others standing before the bridge ready to go into the village. Hmm but why? Well, I decided to find it myself. I jumped on one pole of the bridge and I could see the shock on everyone's faces seeing me there. But soon my eyes fell on Senku standing there and my lips smiled wide. Suddenly, I lost my balance ( whoops) and well I thought I'm gonna fall on the ground so I shut closed my eyes but I felt something soft under me. Wait? Did I fell on top of someone? I opened my eyes and well my brain stopped working. It was no one else other than the Scientist Senku- chan. I could feel his breath on my lips. Our faces were inches apart from touching. It was like the time stopped. My heart was beating so fast but still could hear his heartbeat with mine. Our eyes gazing at each other saying nothing. I was on top of him. When I realized what position we are in I could feel my face burning red with blush and I could die of embarrassment. When I looked at his face. His cheeks were bright red too. Seeing his cute reaction made me wanna tease him a bit.


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" Senku- chan, do I look that handsome that you keep staring at me ?"

" No !! It's nothing like that " Senku replies.

" Relax, I was just joking".

" Well, you shouldn't joke about something like that " He replies.

Senku was lying that he knew himself but didn't dare to say it out loud in his mind. He thought Gen looked breathtaking that he just wanna keep him for himself. He wanted to know why his heart is beating so fast? Why does his heart flutter every time he sees Gen ? Why does he smile unconsciously whenever someone mentions Gen? He wanted the answer to every question he had in mind.

Oh well, look who decided to finally update. I had so much fun writing this one.

loads of love xx


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