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( hehe, I said I will, and here I am. enjoy .)


When I was first revived, I thought I don't care what happens anymore. We are in the stone world. We don't know how to do anything as people did in the modern age How long has it been that it matters anyway All I gotta do is live according to Tsukasa who revived me. But when entering the cave where Tsukasa produced the " revival fluid " I came across something really interesting. There it was, carved on a piece of rock the revival date of the person " Senku" the scientist in this stone world. I was moved that a person who's been a stone for thousands of years, living in complete darkness alone, didn't let his guard down and counted the time ??? Now I wanted to meet this Senku person and I just knew that a person this amazing just can't be dead.

When after few days Tsukasa asked me to go and find out if Senku was dead or not, I saw this as a golden opportunity to find more about him. I was walking and walking. It's been 2 days since I left and well I'm just so bored of eating fish and just meat all the time. I want something from the time where there were so many choices to eat and most of all I want the dear Cola that I love to death. As I was just walking I smelled something. ( Don't worry it wasn't anything weird you dumbass) A smell I've been craving for ages. I just ran towards it without even thinking and there I saw a whole bunch of people eating Ramen? LIKE HOW? WHEN? WHO MADE IT? HOW DO THEY EVEN KNOW? As I was trying to calm my shocking head I heard someone calling out " Senku !!! Can we get more Ramen here ? " and there I saw a Green haired boy with blond mixed hair with spikes standing and smirking to himself. Yup stands up to my imagination, I thought. "Attractive" I mumbled to myself and felt myself smiling at his figure. Oh shit !!! Snap out of it, I thought, but not before I eat that Ramen. No one seemed to notice me as I took a bowl of ramen to eat and curse to my mouth that it decided to open when I was enjoying my ramen and thinking about Senku. Well, can't blame me now when I'm caught. While I was just standing there answering the questions thrown at me by dear Senku-chan, surrounded by three warriors who looked like they are gonna kill me any second, I was getting consumed by him and his talk. At one point, I think I saw his face surprised when I said that he was so happy to see me but he hid it so well but I just decided to tease him anyway. He just looked so cute. That's how I met the famous Senku Ishigami for the first time and maybe fell for him but I just didn't know it yet.

Heya lovely people. Should I update another chapter ??????? Well, let's see how it goes lol.

bbye till then :)

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