Chapter 34

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The next morning I woke up in the strong arms of Giyuu as we laid together in his futon we shared. I looked around groggily still unsure of what was exactly happening. I finally looked up to meet Giyuu's peaceful sleeping face. A small smile crept on my lips as I gazed up at the man I loved so much. Oh, how I wished to stay in this moment forever.

The pillar must have noticed my gaze on him as he slowly opened his deep blue eyes to meet my own. He looked down at me sleepily before pulling me tighter in his arms. A small giggle escaped my lips at his caring action as I just cuddled closer into him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up," I muttered quietly as I glanced up at Giyuu. He shook his head in response raking one of his hands through my hair gently. "No, it's okay. I slept in a lot later than what I usually do anyway."

I let out a small hum in response before closing my eyes, enjoying the blissful peace that the two of us ever rarely got to enjoy. It was nice being able to relax in each other's company for once without having to worry about our jobs.

"(Y/N)! I know you're here! Come out!" A familiar booming voice called out from the hall of the estate. I let out a groan as I opened my eyes with a dissatisfied look. I slowly began to sit up before Giyuu pulled me back down in his arms. "No." The Water Pillar simply said.

I shot him a puzzled look before I glanced over at the doorway that led to the hall. "Giyuu, we both know Uzui isn't simply just going to go away. It's definitely not his forte to just leave people be and not annoy them."

"Let's just pretend we're not here then." Giyuu simply responded again, pulling me into a tight grip so I wouldn't be able to escape.

"I can hear you two, you know!" The Sound Pillar yelled out from the hallway once again. 'Goddamn heightened sense of hearing..' I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes.

"Alright, you guys can either come out dressed, or I'm barging in, and I don't give a fuck if you're naked or not," Uzui said from outside the door of the room we were laying in. Of course, I wouldn't care if the pillar actually did come in and see Giyuu and me cuddling together, I could only assume it was a rather well-known fact that the two of us were together considering Shinobu and Uzui both knew. But the Sound Pillar was indeed right that the two of us were both laying together naked only covered by the covers of our futon.

The Water Pillar also seemed to notice our predicament as well as he clicked his tongue in annoyance. He released me from the tight embrace I was held in, allowing the both of us to sit up together. I didn't have any of my clothes as we were currently in Giyuu's room, so I quickly scavenged for any clothes that could remotely cover me up.

I grabbed one of the pillar's spare yukatas from his wardrobe and loosely tied it around my body as Giyuu got dressed in his demon slayer uniform. He turned to me once he finished dressing and a faint, almost unnoticeable blush, spread across his cheeks.

Giyuu approached me, pulling me into a tight embrace once again. He nuzzled his face in the crook of my exposed neck before planting small kisses on the (s/t) skin. "Giyuu!" I whispered yelled out as my face began to flush.

He planted small kisses up my jawline to the side of my mouth before finally catching my lips in a  sweet kiss. A small sigh of satisfaction escaped my mouth as I slowly began to kiss him back, wrapping my arms around my neck. I even almost forgot about the Sound Pillar that was waiting for me outside the door.

"For fucks sake! I'm coming in!" Uzui yelled out in an exasperated tone before barging into the room. I pulled away from Giyuu quickly, trying to hide the fact that we were sharing a sweet kiss just moments ago, but I'm sure the flustered look on my face gave it. The Water Pillar clicked his tongue once again as an annoyed look spread across his features.

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