Chapter 28

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(Y/N)'s POV

I opened my eyes slowly. At first, I blinked a few times expecting to adjust to a bright light. Instead, I was greeted to a dark filled room. I looked around slowly, confused at where exactly I was.

Was I in the Butterfly Estate? But usually, if I was put in the Butterfly Estate I would be with other patients. But at the same time, I could only assume I was in the medical estate due to all the medical appliances that were stored in the room.

I slowly sat up in the bed I was laid in and was instantly greeted with a pounding headache. I squeezed my eyes shut as I gripped the side of my head in hopes that it might possibly ease my discomfort. "Fuck..." I tried to say, but my voice only came out raspy and dry instead.

I looked around the room for any liquid I could quickly chug down to soothe my dry throat, but to my dismay, there was nothing in the small room. 'Guess I'm going on an adventure for water...'

I scooted to the edge of the bed and slowly made my way to stand up. When I did though, I instantly stumbled and fell on the floor. I looked down at the floor in shock. I felt like my legs were so weak and like I could barely move them. What the fuck was going on?

I shook all confused and concerned thoughts out of my head deciding it would be best to just focus on the problems I could fix. I began stretching my legs slowly, adjusting to small movements. I bent my knee and then straightened my legs multiple times allowing my weak muscles to slowly adjust to being used again. After a few more minutes of exercising my muscles, I attempted walking again.

To my relief, I was able to stand. As I held onto the wall of the room for support, I continued to exercise my legs balancing on one and then on the other as I approved my mobility. From there, I slowly began to take small cautious steps towards the door as my legs got used to the weight of my body underneath them. 'How long was I asleep for...?'

I finally made it to the door and pushed it open. I winced slightly as the new bright lights enveloped my vision causing me to shut my eyes. I blinked a few times to allow for my eyes to adjust to the bright area around me before I looked around to gauge where I was.

To my relief, my assumption from before was indeed correct and I was habited inside the Butterfly Estate. I let out a small sigh of relief before beginning to trudge down the halls of the medical estate. It seemed that I wasn't asleep for too long as my legs were becoming better and better at adjusting to walking again. But at the same time, I couldn't help but feel uneasy seeing as I was secluded from everyone else. What exactly was there to worry about though?

I brightened up as I spotted a familiar door. It was Shinobu's office where I would often visit her to annoy her or have her patch me up. I could only hope that the pillar was actually in her office due to the fact that I knew she was very busy being a pillar and all.

I proceeded towards the door stopping in front of it and shifting back and forth on my feet. I felt nervous knocking on the door for some reason. Like I was forgetting something and that walking into the room would reveal some things I wouldn't exactly wish to hear. Even with this anxiety, I was determined to get some water and get some answers.

Instead of knocking, I just barged into the room like I usually would. I looked around the Insect Pillar's office and to my dismay I found an empty room with no pillar. But there was some water on the pillar's desk that I happily chugged down. After, I let out a sigh and questioned whether I should stay in the room to wait for Shinobu or head back to the room I was stationed in earlier.

My question was answered rather quickly as I heard papers fall to the ground from behind me. I quickly turned around, surprised by the sudden noise and sudden precense from behind me, to see Shinobu with a surprisingly shocked expression. "(Y-Y/N)?!"

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