Chapter 7

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The next morning was awkward. For me at least. Giyuu and I sat at the table eating breakfast in silence. Unlike our usual comfortable silence I always enjoyed this silence seemed awkward and tension filled. For me at least.

I never really knew how much I was attached to Giyuu. I always thought of him as a mentor and maybe a friend, but after I got back from the Final Selection I definitely missed him more than a friend would. I glanced up from my food watching him munch on his own rice.

'Oh my god. He has rice on his face. That's adorable.' I thought to myself. Giyuu noticed me staring at him and returned my own gaze with a questioning look. I blushed lightly breaking the eye contact before leaning across the table. From there I wiped off the rice that was on his face.

"You had food on your cheek.." I explained in an awkward tone as I sat back down in my seat. Giyuu let out a small hum and nodded in response as we continued to eat.

I went to visit Shinobu, partially due to Giyuu's request since I was injured when I got back. Though I wasn't complaining either. It has been a while since I hung out with Shinobu and we were pretty close friends. Whenever us ladies had time, Shinobu, Mitsuri, and I always liked to have a girls day since there weren't a lot of girl demon slayers. Needless to say, it was good bonding time for us to spill some tea.

I chuckled to myself at past memories of us three girls hanging together while I stepped inside the Butterfly estate. Aoi, one of the workers, noticed me and gave me a grin.

"(Y/N)! Glad to see your back in one piece! Though I'm assuming since you're here doesn't mean you're entirely healthy." Aoi pointed out while she walked up to me.

I smiled at Aoi before responding, "Well, I would say I'm healthy enough to not come here, but Giyuu insisted that I'd stop by. So I thought it was a good opportunity to catch up with Shinobu anyways."

Aoi laughed and nodded as we walked together. "Shinobu-San, is in her office so you can just head in there." She explained. I gave her a small 'thanks' before we separated our ways with a goodbye.

I entered Shinobu's office with a big grin as I gazed at Shinobu who turned around and gave a smile of her own.

"Ara~ ara~," she began, "look who finally decided to pay a visit."

"Don't act like I never come see you! You know I was busy prepping for the Final Selection." I responded with a pout.

"But I'm assuming you wouldn't have come if Tomioka-San hadn't forced you to." The insect pillar pointed out. I averted my gaze knowing she figured me out. I sat down in a chair and sighed while gazing at Shinobu with my best puppy dog eye look ever.

"That may be true butttttt I also wanted to visit you." I said with an innocent smile. Shinobu just rolled her eyes before standing up and walking over to me. "Alright let's treat your wounds."

After Shinobu was finished treating me we sat down together drinking some tea in silence. "I've been meaning to ask you this for a while... are you and Tomioka-San dating?" Shinobu asked.

I choked on the tea I was drinking while my face started to heat up. Though this wasn't the first time someone asked if Giyuu and I were together. Usually I would just brush off their question with a laugh and a 'no way' though. But here I was flustered and confused.

"Oh my, this is a surprising reaction~" Shinobu pointed out with a tint of mischief in her eyes. She leaned towards me before whispering in my ear, "Do you love him?" My face became redder much to my dismay as I averted my eyes.

"I-I don't know!" I shouted in response. I hid my face in my hands. Shinobu chuckled lightly as she patted my shoulder reassuringly.

"Why don't you just try to see if you do? Tomioka-San was very worried the whole time you were away so I wouldn't be surprised if he liked you." Shinobu suggested. I glanced up at her wondering if her words were true. I shook my head as I stood up.

"Don't tease me so much, Shinobu. Giyuu barely likes me as a friend, I doubt he would like me that way.." I denied walking over to the door. Shinobu just shrugged while she smiled at me.

"You never know, (Y/N). Just think about it!" The pillar said while looking over at me.

"Ya, ya, I will. See ya later, Shinobu, thanks for patching me up." I muttered before heading my way back to the Water Estate. I let out a small sigh as thoughts raced through my head.

'Do I like him? Maybe I'm just overthinking since I missed him so much. He was also acting friendlier yesterday too so that could be it. Ya we're just friends.' I tried to convince myself in my head. I walked into the estate to see no one else was there. I saw a note and quickly read it over.

"Looks like Giyuu has a mission." I said to myself before putting the note back down.

A few days had passed and Giyuu was still on his mission. I was upset that he had to leave so soon, but I understood that duty called. I sat on the engawa sipping some tea as I slowly woke up. I gazed out in the distance and saw a man approaching the estate from afar. I looked closer, hoping it was Giyuu, but to my dismay it was a man who was wearing a strange looking mask holding a sword. When he finally arrived he met my gaze.

"Are you (L/N) (Y/N)." He asked simply. I nodded in response and he unwrapped the neatly wrapped sword. As I tried to usher him inside so we could talk he continued to talk about the history of the sword smiths and the nichirin blade. After finally giving up he finished his story handing me the sheathed nichirin blade.

"My name is Haganezuka Hotaru and I'm your sword smith. I heard that your breath was unique and it required your blood so I made your sword to fit your style." He explained before ushering me to unsheathe it. I looked over the sword before noticing a small needle at the end of the handle. He saw that I noticed it and immediately explained.

"You cut your finger there and then it will activate your blade." He explained. I nodded in response as I unsheathed the blade and watched as the color of the sword changed to black.

"Only black! And here I was hoping so you were unique I'd get to see a cool color! Give me back the blade I worked so hard on!" Haganezuka yelled at me while he tried to take the blade a way. I yelped and stood up in surprise as I kept the blade close to me.

"No way! This is mine now!" I shouted back in response. He continued to try to take it away until I stumbled and cut my hand on the needle. I yelped in pain as I looked at my new sword. Haganezuka and I both watched in surprised as we saw the sword change colors to a black the faded to a dark red. He slowly stood up and nodded in approval looking at the sword.

"I guess I'll let you keep it then. But! If you break it I'll tear off your limbs." He threatened before walking away. I laughed nervously as I watched him walk away. I looked down at my blade again giving it a few practice swings before sheathing it.

"Guess this means I'm officially a demon slayer."

Hope you enjoyed!

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