Pulling Teeth

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You were on your way over to the water tower, and when you stopped in front of the tall structure you saw the door swing open. The three toons jumped over the railing and landed in your arms.

"Getting an early start today?" you asked the three, mostly looking at Yakko.

"You know it, babe." he said.

You blushed a bit at him calling you babe. He called you a lot of nicknames, but this was the first time he had called you that. Dot & Wakko jumped out of your arms but Yakko held onto you for a moment longer, looking dreamily into your eyes as you held him like a Disney™ princess.

You tossed him back onto his feet, and as he landed he grabbed your hand and used the momentum to spin you around, and then posed dramatically, with you playing along. It was little things like that that made him fall for you.

Wakko jumped on your shoulders and pointed towards downtown. "Onwards!" he shouted.

Dot jumped on Yakko's shoulders and the four of you ran down the block. You came to a stop in front of the candy story where Wakko always scares the clerk into giving him free candy. The two younger siblings hopped back down off your shoulders and Wakko sprinted into the store, soon coming out with four lolipops.

You were walking down the street, sucking on your candy, when you heard a scream coming from a nearby building. You all turned to look and saw a sign that read "Burbank Dentistry."

"Ah yes, the orthodontist." Yakko clasped his hands together and made a sarcastically dreamy expression. "Where you're forced to listen to some old guy talk for an hour as he glues barbed wire to your teeth."

You all exchanged glances before bursting through the establishment's door. You looked around the place. Yakko flipped through the magazines in the waiting room, Wakko was sticking his hand in the candy jar, and Dot had her face pressed up against the fish tank.

Yakko held out a page of the magazine in shock. "Kanye cheated with Jeffree Star?" he said with a gasp. "I knew it."

"Oh please, we all know where Kanye likes his fingers." Wakko said with his hand still in the candy jar.

You all stopped what you were doing and turned to look at him.

"What?" He shrugged. "You never heard the song?"

Alas, you had not. You shook your head and pressed your face up against the window on the door, looking into the dentist's office.

"You wanna steal the laughing gas?" Dot asked you all.

"Oho, that might come in handy." Yakko said, rubbing his hands together maniacally.

You all slammed the door open, startling the dentists and causing him to yank out a tooth. "My goodness, children! You're lucky this was the right tooth." he said, as his patient let out a muffled cry.

Dot jumped on his head and looked down into the kids mouth, using the man basically as a stool. "Someone hasn't been flossing." she sang as Wakko tossed her a spool of floss.

The two of them wrapped the floss around the dentist and pulled the string to send him spinning into the other room like a bayblade.

Yakko put on a white robe and approached the patient, while Wakko and Dot tightened restraints around them.

"Sickle and scaler, please." he said, holding out his hand. You handed him the dental tools and he leaned over the child. "Prepare to be probed."

Just then the dentist came bursting back through the door. "What are you doing?! Our insurance won't cover this, get out, get out!" he yelled at you all and you ran around the room, just barely evading him.

Wakko grabbed the laughing gas and shoved it in the dentist's face, forcing him to inhale it. He fell onto the floor, and when he sat upright he blinked a couple times before attempting to stand up. He tried to run towards you but fell flat on his face. You all laughed at him and he started laughing too. You almost forgot about the child that was currently strapped to the chair.

You undid the restraints and the kid quickly sat up, looked at you for a moment, and ran out the door as fast as their little legs could go.

"Don't forget to floss!" Yakko shouted after them, waving his hand goodbye.

The dentist was still laughing on the floor and you all looked at each other before Wakko kicked him under a table. You then proceeded to dig through the entire office.

You felt something small hit your arm and when you turned around you saw Yakko with the tiny rubber bands. "Ow, those hurt a lot." you whined.

"Then you better duck and cover." he said with a smirk, readying another rubber band.

You grabbed a handful and hid behind a table, and before you knew it you were having a rubber band war. You fired back and forth for a bit before one hit out on the cheek.

"Ow!" you said, louder than you had the first time. This one hurt a lot more because of where it hit you.

Yakko's head popped up from behind his cover and he rushed over to you. "Ah jeez, I'm sorry. I didn't think my aim was that good." he said with a nervous grin.

"It's fine, it just stings." You rubbed your cheek on the spot where it was hit.

He pulled your hand away and kissed your cheek where it hurt. He frowned at the sight of the little red mark on your face, knowing he did that.

"Ahh, really, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." he said, genuinely feeling bad.

"Yakko, it's fine, seriously." you told him.

Dot jumped up on the table and placed a little bandaid on your cheek. You chuckled. "I don't think that needs a bandage, but thank you." you said, and she gave you a kiss on the cheek too.

Seeing this, Wakko jumped up on the table and kissed your bruised cheek as well. Yakko put his hands on his hips and raised a brow.

"Hey, sibs, that's my babe your mackin' on." he told them with a chuckle.

This made your face heat up, and when he noticed he flashed you a smirk. He reached out and grabbed your hand, pulling you into a dip.

"You are my babe, aren't you?" he said, his hand supporting your waist as he looked down at you with a grin.

You looked into his eyes for a moment, your face red. "Yes, I am." you finally responded.

He pulled you back up to your feet and cupped your cheek, lightly rubbing the spot that now had a bandage with his thumb. Dot rolled her eyes as she and Wakko jumped off the table, and Yakko pulled you in for a kiss.

"Ugh, you guys kiss way too much." she complained.

You quickly pulled away and Yakko looked at you. "We would more often if I could help it." he said, and you pushed him away playfully.

You guys made your way out of the now wrecked dentist's office, the dentist was passed out on the floor, and Wakko grabbed one more lolipop out of the jar.

You walked down the street and Yakko slung his arm over your shoulder, with his over hand in his pocket. He was trying to act cool, but then he tripped on a crack in the sidewalk and you had to catch him. You laughed and his face heated up in embarrassment, so you gave him a kiss on the cheek, still chuckling a bit.

You took his hand in yours and intertwined your fingers. He looked at you with a side glance as you walked down the street together, Dot and Wakko in front of you. He smiled to himself, closing his eyes for a moment and thanking the universe for putting you in his life. You nudged him a bit, snapping him out of his thoughts, and he smiled at you. You really did enjoy causing chaos with these crazy zany toons.

if you haven't heard the song kanye west likes fingers in his ass I strongly suggest listening to it right now, you don't know what you're missing
also I'm running dry on ideas, so if you have any suggestions PLEASE tell me
edit: if I mess up and use a gendered term please correct me if you notice

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