27 • it's for you

306 25 36

third person

aubrey woke up the next morning, her head rested on a pillow in place of jonah. she was still in his bed, and was confused for a second why she was there, but then she remembered the night she had. looking at the alarm clock on his night stand, she saw it was only 9:30. normally she'd be awake in 2 hours, but not today.

she heard piano playing from down the hall where tim's old piano stayed ever since they got a new one. aubrey got up out of bed, wrapping a throw blanket from his bed around her and walked out of his room. at the piano was none other than jonah, playing a calming song that was a pleasant surprise to wake up to.

it wasn't a specific song he was playing, just a tune that came to mind. aubrey sat on the bench next to him as jonah's head turned to her and smiled. "well good morning to you."

"morning marais." she said tiredly, listening to the music. "sometimes i forget how stupid good you are at piano." she laughed lightly.

"don't you know how to play too?"

"eh, not like this." nyla had taught aubrey how to play piano growing up, but throughout the years she didn't play as much as she used to.

"i don't believe that." jonah nudged her arm and nodded at the keys, "c'mon i know you know this song."

it was true, nyla taught this song to both of them at the same time one summer almost 5 years ago. it was the first song aubrey learned that she actually enjoyed and knew by heart. giving in, she placed her hands on the higher end of the piano and played the melody while jonah played the harmony on the lower keys.

the music unlocked a thousand memories in her head, the day she first heard this song and all the nights she'd play it with her mom before bed. aubrey almost forgot how much she loved playing, this song especially.

they finished the song, ending it with a pretty harmony. both of them let out a small laugh, almost getting nostalgia from it. "see, you can still play." jonah smiled.

the girl shrugged as she got up from the bench, "i'll always play that song, anything else? we'll see." jonah followed her back into his room where she fell back in bed and he flopped down next to her, both of them facing the ceiling.

it was times like this where they each missed hanging out everyday. just the beginning of this summer they were inseparable, and all the summers before that. and the one time where time mattered, they spent the least time together.

"hey jonah?" aubrey said quietly.

the boy looked over at the younger girl next to him, whose eyes were still focused on the ceiling above. "yeah?"


the doorbell from downstairs startled them, and they both sat up with confused looks on their face. aubrey got out of bed and tossed jonah's blanket to him and walked downstairs to check who was at the door.

on the front porch was alyssa all dressed for the beach. jonah stood behind aubrey on the staircase, both of them debating who'll welcome her inside. "yeah i think it's for you." the brunette laughed dryly, walking downstairs to the kitchen while he got the door.

"hey." he smiled, letting her inside, "what's up?"

alyssa laughed as she put her beach bag on the floor, "we're going on the lake today remember? ky and hayden too." jonah had completely forgotten about their plans and looked at her flustered.

"right, i'll be ready in 10." he told her, going back up the stairs. "uh, flores is in the kitchen if you need her or something."

aubrey, who was eating cereal at the breakfast table, silently hoped alyssa wouldn't approach her. unfortunately for her, she did. the older teen walked in and sat on the kitchen counter, helping herself to a granola bar.

"so you guys going out?" aubrey asked in her attempts to be nice.

alyssa nodded then changed the subject, "i thought your name was aubrey."

"it is." the girl laughed, slightly confused.

"then why does jonah call you flores all the time?"

it had been a while since someone's asked her that; the last person being daniel and corbyn when the band came over earlier in the summer. "just a nickname i guess, flores is my middle name." there were only 2 people who called her flores- jonah and her mom.

"oh," alyssa's voice dropped with the knot in her stomach, "that's cute."aubrey muttered a yeah, even if she didn't know what to say. an awkward silence settled between them just in time for jonah to break it as he came back downstairs.

"alright i'm ready, ky's gonna meet us at the dock." he informed her, holding onto his backpack strap. "see ya flores."

"okay sweet, bye aubrey." the dark haired girl waved goodbye to her, taking jonah's hand on their way out. seeing them through the window, walking down to the lake hand in hand made her almost feel nauseous. the same nausea she felt years ago when she'd see jonah hang out with girls his age.

but she quickly ignored it, remembering jeremy. he was working today so they wouldn't be able to hang out until tonight, but at least they were able to hang out. once she finished her breakfast, aubrey went upstairs all the way to the attic and back to the reading nook they had there.

she was still reading her mom's diary, for they made her feel closer to her. she started reading about her time in college just a few days ago, and now she was at the part where she met her dad. it was like reading those love stories in the books at the bookstore back at home, except this was her parents. it was strange, but interesting to read about.

we were done watching the movie when he turned to me and said "i love you." i swear he was crazy, he looked stupid saying it too. but he was serious, so i said "i love you too carter."

sometimes when she'd read her mom's words, aubrey would forget it was actually her mom saying and writing this stuff. but at the same time, she understood how people said that she was more like her mom than she thought she was.

and as much as learning more about her mom made her feel closer and at peace with everything, it also made her miss her more than ever. her phone chimed and she peered at her screen to see jeremy's name on it.

got the rest of the day off, you busy?

since she had nothing else to do for the day, aubrey thought why not?

no not at all, see you in a bit
read at 11:34 am

going down from the attic and walking past her room, she saw jonah's blanket that she had around her all morning. when they were younger she always stole it from him whenever they played dress up games or make-believe. in a way it was like part of her childhood.

so before she went into her room, she went towards jonah's bed and stole the blanket from the footboard just like how she did when they were kids. folding it in her hands and walking into her own bedroom, she smelled it and noticed it had the same scent it did all those years ago and placed it on the edge of her bed before getting ready.

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i've decided this books gonna be 50 chapters but don't quote me on that

𝑳𝑰𝑻𝑻𝑳𝑬 𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺, jmrfWhere stories live. Discover now