11 • you're kidding

393 26 22

third person

the days went quicker and before anyone knew it, it was time for corbyn, daniel, jack, and zach to leave. everyone helped them pack their bags and bring it back to the white van waiting at the driveway that was there to pick them up. the band would go their separate ways for the summer before coming together officially at the end of august.

"alright looks like our time here is up." daniel sighed, putting his duffel bag into the trunk of the car. it was early in the morning - the sun wasn't even out yet. jonah was the first one to say bye to his bandmates, reminding them that they'll see each other again at the end of the summer.

however, the rest of the frantzich's and carter's couldn't say the same thing. aubrey, kyle, esther, and carissa stood lined up on the driveway as they watched the boys say their goodbyes. the sun was just barely rising, and carissa and esther were wrapped in blankets. kyle was still in his pajamas, and aubrey was in the hoodie zach gave her for her birthday since he wasn't able to get her anything.

"bye dorks." aubrey told the boys, walking into their group hug. "remember us when you go platinum." she said, almost suffocating from their embrace.

"of course we will." corbyn said as they all broke away from the hug. the boys filed into the car after saying goodbye to everyone. jonah, aubrey, kyle, carissa, and esther watched as the van drove off to the main road, all of them waving goodbyes.

"ugh i'll miss them." carissa sighed. even though they only stayed for a few days, it felt like they've known each other for months.

"yeah me too." aubrey agreed, turning back around to see the van no longer in sight.

the 5 of them walked back inside to be welcomed by the smell of pancakes made by carrie. esther and kyle took their seats at the breakfast table; carissa, aubrey, and jonah sat on the opposite to them.

"so the boys are heading back home?" carrie asked the teens, placing the plate of pancakes on the center of the table. they all nodded their heads, not having much to say. "aw sorry guys, they were lovely to have over. if only they could stay longer."

"yeah it sucks they have to go back to la." kyle blurted out, quickly shutting himself up after. everyone was quiet, especially jonah, esther, and carrie. aubrey and carissa just looked at them confused.

"you're kidding me right now." jonah rubbed his forehead, closing his eyes shut.

kyle looked at jonah, slightly feeling guilty, "holy crap jonah i didn't mean to." he said defensively.

"yes you did kyle, you know you did-"

"jonah!" carrie scolded her son. 

"she was gonna find out either way!" kyle told jonah, his voice slowly getting louder.

jonah rolled his eyes, getting up from his seat and walking upstairs to his room. kyle ended up leaving the table after, walking down to the basement - leaving everyone else quiet and confused.

"what was that?" carissa asked, "they never fight." esther and aubrey nodded in agreement, all of them still confused.

"i think i may have an idea." carrie told the girls, trading looks with aubrey.

𝑳𝑰𝑻𝑻𝑳𝑬 𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺, jmrfWhere stories live. Discover now