4 • celebrity

531 28 25

third person

"i'm in a band."

aubrey looked at jonah, wide-eyed, "uh what? since when?" this was definitely not the news she was expecting.

"well i'm going to be in a band." he corrected himself, but that still doesn't change anything.

"like what kind of band?" aubrey asked, still very confused. jonah never mentioned anything about a band or any music career for that matter.

jonah looked at carrie who was seated at the kitchen table hesitantly, she gave him a nod, "a boy band." he sighed.

all eyes were on aubrey as they waited for her reaction. she just looked back and forth from jonah to carrie, still not sure if he was serious. she managed to stifle her laugh because she didn't want to be rude.

but jonah knew aubrey well enough that she couldn't take it anymore, "just laugh flores, i know you want to." the boy said.

a tiny laugh escaped aubrey's mouth, but she held it in quick enough as she shook her head, "i'm not laughing." she said with a smile.

"flores..." he said in a "don't-test-me" kind of way. he was nervous enough to tell kyle in fear of being a joke, now it was aubrey who was laughing.

"fine i'm serious," the girl walked over to him and patted his shoulder, "it sounds pretty cool. i mean, i love boy bands." she tried to be serious since she saw that jonah was, even if it was so out of the blue.

kyle let out a loud fake cough, "5 direction." he muttered.

aubrey gawked at her uncultured brother, "one, you combined 5sos and one direction. and two, you don't understand them like i do." she argued, but kyle was too tired to even say anything back.

"so what's your band's name?" aubrey asked as she hopped onto the kitchen counter. even when she sat on the high countertops, she still was almost 3 inches shorter than jonah. rigged, she thought, absolutely rigged.

"why don't we." jonah informed her, a proud smile on his face as he finally got to admit it out loud.

aubrey tilted her head, "why don't we? why that name?"

"well you see it started when- you know i'll just let jack explain." the boy told her as he picked up an apple off the fruit bowl and started tossing it in his hand like a baseball - a mannerism jonah's had since 5th grade.

"jack? who's he?" carrie chuckled at aubrey's interest as she walked out to the backyard to set up dinner.

"you'll meet all of them eventually, don't worry." jonah told her, also amused by her curiosity and interest.

"yeah you'll meet jake, xavier, darwin, and collin." kyle said as he went out to the backyard, slightly tired of the band talk. he was the first person jonah told besides carrie; and once he found out, he realized that things would change drastically.

jonah laughed, but knew what was going on in his best friend's head, "that's not their names." he informed aubrey.

the brunette got off the kitchen counter and walked next to him as he slid open the glass door, "then tell me their names."

𝑳𝑰𝑻𝑻𝑳𝑬 𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺, jmrfWhere stories live. Discover now