13 • i know you better than that

435 28 30

third person

"you can't go to bed without a cup of tea, maybe that's the reason you talk in your sleep."


it was the day after her birthday, and aubrey was stuck in bed. she scrolled through instagram, despite the horrible service on their end of the lake. she was able to watch a couple youtube videos, but nothing kept her busy for more than 30 minutes.

aubrey turned in bed to check the time - 7:03 am. she stayed up the whole night, of course. it wasn't like she was able to sleep anyway. the pain in her stomach wouldn't let her. she walked out of her room, tiptoeing over carsissa who was asleep on the futon on the floor. she got to the bathroom and got a change of sweatpants, making sure no one would hear her. they all came home late last night after spending the whole day out on the lake with some other teenagers around town. aubrey was sure that nobody was awake this early.

seeing the blood in front of her, aubrey let out a frustrated sigh as she washed up and changed. "shit." she muttered, bringing the clothes to the laundry room. she knew the sound of the washer starting would wake up someone in the house, but she hoped no one would so much talk to her.

in the rooms next door, kyle and jonah were knocked out asleep in their rooms; the same for esther and svea. once the washer started, aubrey tiptoed back to her room and back in bed, trying to endure the sharp pain in her stomach. it sucked, she hated this time of the month.

"of course it's on a good day too." aubrey thought to herself, frustrated again. yesterday on her birthday, her, jonah, kyle, esther, and carissa decided that today they'd go take darla to the other side of mannix lake and go swimming there. so much for that.

aubrey tried getting up from bed, but she couldn't. she got the bad cramps from her mom, not exactly the best thing to inherit. aubrey's cramps only got worst, but she couldn't tell if they were from hunger or this period she's on. either way - she wanted to make it stop.

"good morning." jonah said to his mom as he walked downstairs. he remembered the plans they had for today and got ready as soon as he woke up. esther and carissa were already in the kitchen eating breakfast, and kyle was just a couple feet away from him.

"g'morning to you joan." carissa said, followed by other good mornings. jonah took his seat and ate up his breakfast, seeing an empty seat at the table.

the boy looked around, "where's flores?"

"i don't know, asleep?" esther shrugged, "i didn't see her get out of her room yet."

carrie placed down a plate of food at aubrey's seat, "she got home last night right?" the teens arrived from the lake past midnight - way after the parents were asleep. all 4 of them nodded, carrie raised her eyebrow, "and she didn't drink anything right?"

"no of course not." kyle told her, practically cleaning up his entire plate. "maybe she decided to sleep in."

"she knows we're going out though right?" carissa asked while getting a start on the dishes. all of them knew aubrey was the last person out of the 5 to be sleeping in. as tired as she gets, she always ends up being the first one awake.

after thinking to himself for a minute, jonah asked "hey what's today?" the other 3 teens plus carrie looked at him and laughed.

𝑳𝑰𝑻𝑻𝑳𝑬 𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺, jmrfWhere stories live. Discover now