8 • i'm not going

443 27 22

third person

"so who are the boys anyway?" carissa asked aubrey as the two walked downstairs to the basement. "like how do they know jonah?"

slightly panicked, aubrey tried to come up with something. she wasn't sure if she was allowed to say if they were a band or if they were keeping it a secret. either way, she didn't want to get in trouble for saying something she shouldn't.

"they're online friends." aubrey shrugged, "you know how it is."

carissa looked over to the boys who were seated on the couches, "well wherever they're from, i'm glad jonah met them." she smirked.

aubrey rolled her eyes, letting out a light laugh, "yeah i'm glad too."

everyone found a seat on the couch or on the floor near it as jonah explained the plan for today.

"so i thought it'd be fun to go on a hike," he began, kyle, aubrey, and esther already complaining, "hold on, this one's fun-"

"you said that last time." aubrey interrupted, folding her arms.

"this time is different, we're going to eagle's cliff." jonah announced. kyle's expression suddenly changed to an excited one. eagle's cliff was this rock mountain at the end of the woods that leads to a series of rivers that spilt from the lake, you can only get there by walking.

"you mean eagle's cliff as in the one we haven't gone to in years?" esther asked, a worried tone in her voice.

aubrey nodded, "yeah last time we went, you almost died." she said, already not wanting to go.

zach looked at the group, "oh now i don't wanna go."

"he didn't die, it wasn't that bad." kyle corrected his sister.

"i was just messing around, don't worry guys it's not that big of a deal." jonah explained.

aubrey huffed, "a park ranger had to help you jonah." she reminded him.

"wait so what happened?" jack asked, all the boys plus carissa now very curious.

kyle began to tell the story, "well it started-"

"you guys can go ahead, i'm not going." aubrey told the group as she walked away and back upstairs. all eyes were on jonah who looked unaffected, but deep down he felt guilty.

"we can still go," kyle told everyone, "she's just being overdramatic." he rolled his eyes.

"are you sure?" zach asked. he was already nervous about this cliff situation as it is.

"yeah it'll be fun," jonah told him reassuringly.

as the group got up to get ready for their hike, carissa said in a voice that only jonah would hear, "i'll talk to her, maybe i can get her to come." she told him as she went upstairs to the girl's room.

"what even happened?" jack still asked, saying out loud what everyone was thinking. kyle stopped by the kitchen table, grabbing some snacks for the trip.

𝑳𝑰𝑻𝑻𝑳𝑬 𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺, jmrfWhere stories live. Discover now