Chapter 27

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Ivy's POV

"GRAYSON!" I yell as I see his body drop onto the floor. I look at the man that shot him but he takes of but not before looking at me and smirking. I run to Grayson and see him grimacing and putting pressure on the bullet wound on his thigh. 

"Shit" I say as I see him beginning to nod off. I put my hands on his thighs and slap his cheek lightly to keep him awake.

"Keep your eyes open Gray" I say and rummage in his pocket looking for his phone. I sit on his thigh to ensure there is still some pressure on his wound and call Noah on his phone.

Meanwhile at the house....

"But I keep cruising can't stop, won't stop moving It's like I got this music in my mind saying it's gonna be alright. Cause the players gonna play, play, play, pla-

"SHUT THE FUCK UP"Jason yells from his room.

"AND THE HATER'S GONNA HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE." I sing louder just to get on his nerves and tell the Alexa to increase the volume to 10 and get ready to sing my favorite part.

"Baby I just wanna shake shake shake shake shake. Shake-

"You have an incoming call from Dumbass #1. Would you like receive this call?" The alexa interrupts

"Oh my fucking goshhhh. This always happens to me. Why the fuck is he calling me?" I growl angrily

"You have an incoming call from Dumbass #1-" The alexa repeats

"Yes" I answer rolling my eyes

"What the fuck do you want from me?" I ask him impatiently

"Noah?" I hear Ivy's voice making me raise and eyebrow in confusion.

"Stink?" I question

"Hi Noah. Gray got sho-" She says not long before I interrupt.

"Where are you guys" I question as I grab my keys and put my shoes on and tell Jason to do the same.

"The bowling alley. It's about 10 minutes awa-" She replies 

"I'll be there in five" I interrupt and hang up and get in the car with Jason.

So um's me again. Ummm you have every reason to be mad at me but i'm sorry? I hope you enjoyed this chapter even tho it was really short but I pinky promise i'll update tomorrow cause imma fail school either way.

Thank you guys so much for 9.9k reads, 454 votes and 89 followers!!! You don't know how happy I am. I'm just really tired but I love you guys so much and thank you for reading❤❤

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