Chapter 17

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This needs to be edited so sorry but enjoy❤


Ivy's POV

I was nodding off and just as I was about to fall asleep, but heard some footsteps and felt someone put their arm over my mouth and began to take my shirt off. I screamed but his hand made them sound muffled. I bit his hand and he grunted in pain and I made a run for it before I knew it I was surrounded by 5 men smiling at me. I shouted for help but one of the man slapped me and I fell down.

" I know you want this so stop screaming you little bitch." the man said coming closer to me.

" No please don't do this" I managed to say crawling back 

" It'll be fun, just sit back and relax." He said as his men came over and held me down

No no no not again. I felt and arm on my stomach and the man started to suck on my neck, I thrashed around and begged him to stop but his men held me tighter and he lifted my bra up and began to suck on my breast. I knew I was done for I couldn't do anything now. As if on cue I started to have a panic attack. again.  I felt like I was suffocating and screaming for help wasn't making it any easier for me to breathe. 

I just want this to be over with. I'm useless and pathetic. I deserve this. I stopped thrashing around 

"See! I knew you were enjoying it now-" He said smirking and starting to pull down my pants.

It stopped as soon as it happened. I heard someone groan in pain and no one was on me anymore. I pulled my bra and shirt down, put my pants back on and pulled my knees to my chest. I still couldn't breathe. I felt like my lungs just stopped working. I heard footsteps and looked up to see Grayson. He had beaten all the guys up and they were splayed out on the floor, unconscious.

Grayson rushed towards me and wrapped his arms around me and picked me up. I put my rested my head on his chest and gripped his shirt, needing something sturdy to hold and cried until I felt nothing. 

Grayson's POV

When I saw those bastards on top of Ivy, I saw red. I went for the guy on top of her first and punched him until he was unconscious. I rushed over to Ivy to check if she was okay and as I picked her up she melted into my arms, sobs racking her body. I was furious and wanted to kill the guys but I need to make sure my princess was ok. I take her to my car and try to put her in the passenger seat, but she just holds on to me tighter.

"Ivy, You have to let go, I need to make sure your ok

She slowly nods and loosens her grip on me and I set her onto the seat, put her seat belt on and kiss forehead gently and walk to the drivers seat. I start the car and begin to drive to the house and I look over to see if she's ok. She had her knees pulled to her chest and she was looking straight with tears slowly rolling down her beautiful face. 

"It's gonna get better princess, I promise you ill kill those bastards." I say and I grab her hand and lift them to my lips, to kiss her knuckles. She squeezes my hand and remains silent.

When we finally get to the house, she's sound asleep. She is so damn precious. I wish she were mine. I get out the car and pick her up bridal style and she snuggles into me. My heart melts a little from her reaction. I sound like a sap. As I walk into the house I cant help but wonder,

Ivy, what are you doing to me?

I hope you liked it. Please don't come for me, I don't really know how to do this but I tried. I hope your having a good day and bye❤

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