Chapter 4

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Grayson's Pov

I could care less if I had detention. It wouldn't be a first. As I walk towards the Detention classroom, I hear someone crying and not like sniffles; it sounds like full-on sobbing... I speed walk towards the sound and turns out its in front of the door to detention, and I see Ivy, I believe, on the floor, sobbing and trembling with her knees pulled to her chest and her arms wrapped around her small frame. I felt my jaw clench, and my fist tighten, already wanting to kill the person who caused her tears.

"Hey, hey, hey, its okay what's wrong?" I ask

I don't know why but seeing her cry made me feel weak. Not physically but emotionally. I fucking hated that feeling and I was fucking scared. But one thing at a time, I have to make sure Ivy's ok.

Ivy's Pov

"Hey, hey, hey, its okay what's wrong?" I hear I look up to see the source of the voice and see Grayson looking at me with concerned etched on his face. Why does he care? I gasp for air but  fail terribly.

I shake my head no and continue to cry like a baby. What if he tells the whole school? What if they start to bully me? What if my dad figures out what happened? The thoughts cloud my head making it harder for me to focus as I dart my eyes around my blurry surroundings.

"Okay, Ivy, Im going to hold your hand are you okay with that?"He replies. I think about it and decide to let him help me just this once as I slowly nod my head and hiccup. He reaches out to hold my hand and proceeds to use his thumb to trace circles on my hand. My breathing starts to get easier.

" I'm going to help you up now okay?" he says, and I nod my head slowly, and he scoots closer to me and helps me off the ground. "I'm going to give you a hug now would that bother you Ivy?" I think about it for a second; what if he thinks I smell bad? More negative thoughts fill my brain, and it gets harder than it was before to breathe. I feel like I'm about to pass out. I can't go to the nurse shell call my dad, and he will hit me when he finds out. I start to hyperventilate again and I fall into Grayson's arms on accident. He immediately wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. My whole body tensed, I was only used to someone touching me to hurt me, but I realized his embrace was warm and soothing and slowly wrapped my arms around his waist and lean into him. His arms were strong but not the the point that he crushing me, his chest was solid, and his shirt was really soft. I lay my head on his chest, and he shifts and rests his chin on the top of my head.

After a couple minutes, my breathing comes easier, and I pull away from him and use my hands to wipe my tears away. " T-thank you," I say quietly as I look away, embarrassed.

"No problem," Grayson says casually as if nothing just happened.

"Whats your name," I ask and turn around to look at him. I already know his name, but it would be weird if I didn't ask.

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