Chapter 13

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Grayson's POV

She looked up at me worry filling her eyes. 

"Gray, whats wrong?" She asked

"I-" My throat clogged up

"Its Ok Gray you can tell me anything" she said reaching out to caress my cheek.

D*mn I barely know the girl and shes already driving me crazy. she's got me wrapped around her finger and she doesn't even f*cking know it. I refuse to fall in love again though its just something that wastes your time

"  It's none of your f*cking business" I say moving out of her reach. Hurt flickered in her eyes and she let go of my hand and looked away. I instantly regretted it but knew it was for my and her own good. I got up from the chair and walked out the room and was met with Noah glaring at me.

Ivy's POV

Wow. I cant believe he said that. I know its none of my business. I shoudnt have even asked. Its all my fault. He probably hates me now. I felt a lump in my throat, knowing that meant I was about to cry. I wish I wasn't so sensitive all the time. Where am I gonna stay now? I cant go back to my father. I don't want to keep getting hurt over and over again" I think as tears began to pour down my face.

If I start crying now I wont stop for a long time. What if someone sees me? It starts to get hard to breathe and my surroundings become blurry.

No. No. NO. Not this again. I start to sob and try to take deep breathes and fail. I wrap my arms around my body. So it would feel like as if someone was hugging me. I'm pathetic

My dad said that everyday. Im happy I was in the hospital. I was safe from his abuse and his painful words. But its all over now im gonna have to go back and face him again. Memories begin to fill my head and I start to tremble and gasp for air. I need Water. Just as im about to press the button the Nurse Shelly said I should press If I needed anything, Someone burst Into the room.....


Just kidding❤

I see Noah at the door looking furious and as soon as he sees me he rushes over to me and embraces me. I cry harder as he wraps his arms around me and Kisses the top of my head, whispering sweet nothings. I cant help but think his hugs arent as warm as Grayson's, but Im happy that he cares about me. I continue cry like a little baby. After what feels like forever. It gets easier for me to breathe

" Whats happened stink" He slowly pulls away and looks at me with concerned filled in his eyes 

" D-dont worry about it" I say wiping my face trying to smile. 

"If you say so" He says under his breathe

"Im sorry about your s-shirt" I say feeling guilty and embarrassed

" Sh*t. Oh well I never liked this shirt anyway" He says chuckling

I gasp 

"Noah! Don't say bad words" I scold him trying my best to look mean

" Ok Stink" He says laughing

I cross my arms and frowning.

" Stink?" I ask

" Yeah, Its a nickname do you like it" He replies with his eyes filled with amusement

"Not really you make it sound like I smell bad" I say quietly

"Well! Im gonna call you stink anyway, just because you don't like it" He says smirking

" Ugh your mean" I say and Pouting and Half asleep

" Thanks stink, I try" He says chuckling

I want to ask him why Grayson was being so mean but the darkness swallows me and I decide to talk to Grayson tomorrow. I hope he'll help me find somewhere to stay because I don't want to go back to my dad.

Hey! Sorry for updating so late. I had a lot of work to do but I made sure to update before I did any of it. 


 But anyways bye❤

Btw: Who is your favorite character so far? 

I wanna know so I know who's POV to write more. 

Ok BYE for real this time❤

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