Chapter 8

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Soothing Alicia was so much harder than Alyssa. A part of me was glad she was experiencing this now instead of when she was older when she could remember it. Meeting her mate had been by chance. Fate screwing with us again.

On the way to Adain dad's we had to stop to get gas. I'd been messing with my phone when the loud rumbled of a motorcycle had me glancing up. A large man dressed in black swung off his bike and went to the pump.

He paused suddenly and snapped his eyes to me. Embarrassed to be caught spying I looked back at my phone. My window was rolled down and I was startled when a hand suddenly caressed my cheek.

Screaming in shock I jerked away and looked up stunned to see the man. His eyes glowing a strange orange. Not human. I stared up at him in fright wanting Adain to hurry back as fast as possible. The man suddenly looked at me in confusion pulling back to stare me intently.

Adain appeared then snarling and angry.

"Get the fuck away from my mate!"  Adain shoved the man away causing him to snarl back in return baring very impressive fangs.

The man suddenly looked into the back where the twins were and froze. His eyes seemed to shine brighter before he jerked away cursing. "No no no no. Fuck no. My mate can not be some flea bag pup!" He snarled backing away. 

"Better take that back before I make you cat." Adain hissed.

My eyes widen. Cat? As in he wasn't a wolf shifter but a cat?

"Look dog I don't want any part in this. I got a girl and I don't have time to be babysitting some pup until she's old enough to screw. I'm deployed enough it wouldn't matter if I wanted to be here anyways." 

Alicia saw him then and started to cry struggling in her car seat. 

The noise seemed to grab him and he scowled clenching his fist. 

"Make her stop!" He snapped glaring at Adain then me. 

When neither of us moved he flung the door open and crouched down and quickly unbuckled her before pulling her against his chest. Almost instantly she stopped crying and smiled up at him. His face twisted before his head fell back and he let out a loud groan. "Damn it!" 

He breathed in deeply before looking to Adain.

 "I'm being deployed tomorrow. I"m going to be gone for nine months. I'll....find you then."

He handed Alicia to Adain scowling when she started to cry again. She twisted in his arms and reached for her mate. The man stepped back not taking his eyes off her.  "I don't want this. I don't want her but fate hates being messed with. I won't promise to be faithful to her until were mated. Fuck I don't want this!" He turned rubbing his face.

"You think I want you for her? Some asshole feline? Don't bother come looking for her when you get back. I don't want you anywhere near her and if you do I'll sick every one of my flea bags on you. "

The man gritted his teeth and glared at Adain. Lifting his hands as he stepped back.

"Fine. I didn't want her anyways. A tiger and a wolf? Would have never worked." He spat. He then climbed onto his bike and drove off. I guess he didn't need gas that bad.

Walking around a spare bedroom at Adain's father house I tried to sooth Alicia. After another thirty minutes she slowly became quiet before laying her head on my shoulder and going to sleep exhausted.

Laying her down in the playpen I gently rubbed her back. Why would she be given a mate like that man? I was glad he wouldn't be returning. I had a feeling he'd only continue to hurt her if he showed up again. She was too little to remember him and hopefully this would become nothing but a bad dream.

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