Chapter 3

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I bursted into tears pressing my hands against my face unable to stop the ugly sobs that began to rack through me.

His scent enveloped me as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against his chest.

At least all my children have the same father I thought humorlessly. How could I let this happen again? What was wrong with me?

Did he ever wear protection? Was I not the only girl he'd gotten pregnant? The thought enraged me.

"Don't you ever wear a condom?" I snapped pushing him away from me.

Adain's eyes widen in shock. "Its mine?" He whispered.

"Who else's would it be you dip wad." I sniffed as more tears started to fill my eyes again.

Adain rocked back onto his heels his expression stunned. "I mean I hoped but-I figured it would be your boyfriends or....not mine." He breathed.

"So you think I cheat? That I just let anyone between my legs!" I yelled shoving him.

He blinked startled. "What? No Sidney its just you never told me who was the father of your girls was so I assumed..."

"That he and I were a couple and I didnt want you to know? What logic is that Adain?" I snapped.

"So your not seeing anyone?" He asked.

"No Adain I'm not I havnt seen anyone since I found out about the girls." I said rubbing my face.

"So the father just left you alone to take care of them?" He said angrily.

I laughed finding this ironic.

"Why are laughing?" He growled.

"Nothing. Look their dad doesn't even know their his and I'll be fine. One more baby won't break me. I know you don't want this baby and probably don't want anything to do with me so don't worry about it. I wont come after you wanting child support." I sighed.

A rage burned in his eyes shocking me.

"So thats it? Your just cutting me out. You aren't even going to let me in my child's life."

I blinked confused.

"Wait want to?"

"Of course I do Sidney!" He yelled. "I wouldn't leave you alone to raise my child. I want to be there for everything how could you think I wouldn't want my own child?"

I blanched as I realized I'd made a mistake. I hadn't tried hard enough two years ago. He had thought I'd been wanting more from him not to tell him he would be a father. I realized then that he would have been there for the girls.

I started to cry again.

"Im sorry so sorry!" I blubbered.

His face softened and he hugged me to him again. "Its okay calm down." He said rubbing my back.

"No you don't understand. Adain this isn't your first child. " I whispered trembling.

Adain pulled away confused.

"What are you--"

Realization lit his eyes. "The twins" he breathed.

I nodded cringing as anger twisted his features.

He backed away from me his body shaking.

"How could you keep that from me? Keep them from me! Fuck my cousin knows doesn't he? He's known about my daughters and he hasn't even told me." He cursed loudly and yelled at me saying things that had tears back in my eyes. When he was done he stormed out the restroom leaving me alone.

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