Chapter 10 (The End)

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"Oh oh god Adain!" I scream my nails clawing down Adain's back. He never stopped his hips from slamming against mine. He whispered into my ear telling me dirty things and how much he loved me. With a roar he slams as deep as he can inside me and lets loose making me gasp in delight.

Slumping against me he pressed
his face into my neck as we get our breathing back to normal. I hug him to me loving how his weight presses against me.

I clenched around his still hard member once again stunned how he never seemed finished with me.

I clenched around him again. He growled flexing his hips, his teeth grazing my neck. "Your actually wearing me out, I didn't think that was possible wife." I gave a laugh which caused him to moan as my body rippled around his. 

Rolling us until I was laying on his chest. Exhausted I laid my head against his chest as he pulled my hair off my sweaty neck.

He slowly almost lazily raised hips forcing him tp slide deeper into me.

I sighed smiling as he continued the slow love making. A part of me prayed I wasn't ovulating right now but another part was pretty sure that at the end of this honeymoon I'd be pregnant again. I wouldn't change anything though. When I'd suggest condoms Adain had laughed and told me he was never going to wear something that would put a barrier between us. Then he gleefully told me that my human birth control wouldn't work with him.

Apparently if the goddess wanted us to have a football team of pups then we truly blessed. Yeah freaking right. He then soothed my worries and explained that having kids was always a problem for his people that we were truly blessed to be already be given three little angels.

The build up was slow but just as wonderful. When we came together this time we were moaning into each others mouths as his lips kissed mine.

Finally we fell asleep wrapped in each others arms Adain still buried deep inside me.

Alicia P.O.V (16 Years Old.)

I slipped into my car and drove toward the park desperate to get away from my twin. With our 17th birthday arriving she was starting to get 'feelings' for Luke. They were mates we'd known this for as long as I can remember but apparently Alyssa was still shocked when she started to realize her thoughts about Luke were no longer sisterly.

So now she couldn't stop bothering me with her stupid chatter about how hot and sexy Luke was especially when he walked around shirtless. Or how cute he looked when he just wakes up in the morning which she knew because Luke lived with us. On a different floor but in the same house all the same.

I loved Luke like he was my older brother but recently Alyssa's chatter and Luke's constant loving attitude was driving me insane. I loved them both I did, it was just they had always had each other and I....had no one.

I mean of course I had Alyssa and my other younger siblings but I never had some one like Luke.

Leaving my car I slowly walked to the basketball court my favorite basketball under my arm. Dribbling mindlessly I walked to the other end of the court and tossed the ball watching as it went through the net soundlessly.

I knew I had a mate out there somewhere Daddy had told me so. He said when the time was right the goddess let us meet for the first time and he'd love me just as much as Luke loved Alyssa but I didn't really believe him. 

My wolf always got sad when I thought about my mate who ever he was and I was pretty sure she knew something I didn't.

A part me wondered if I had already met him and instead of claiming me he'd walked away. It sucked the females couldn't tell who their mates where like the male could. I mean I'd feel something toward him but it wouldn't be like how he felt.

"Should you really be out here all alone at night?"

Startled I screamed in surprised and turned to see a large dark figure leaning against the chain linked fence. I couldn't really see him because he was in the shadows but the red glow of cigarette being draw on made my face scrunch up in disgust.

"Those things kill you know."

A deep husky chuckle filled the air making a shiver roll down my spine.

"I could be a rapist or a murderer and your worried about my cigarette?"

I shrugged not feeling any kind of panic or worry that this guy could hurt me. He pushed off the fence and walked towards me. I held in a gasp as he came into the light my inside twisting. Holy cupcakes he was gorgeous. Like lick his body and worship him hot.

I blinked up at him stunned. He took another drag off his cancer stick and peered down at me because he was a freaking giant. 

He blew smoke into the air between us and I wrinkled my nose in disgust and before thinking I grabbed the cigarette from his fingers and threw it to the ground before stomping it out with my foot.

"Those are really gross." I told him tossing my ball towards his chest. He caught it with surprise and looked back at me.

"Wanna play?" I asked tilting my head.

A small smile tilted his lips before he started dribbling. "Sure princess." A part of me warmed at his nickname. No one had ever called me something like that before. Alyssa had friends who called her Lyssa and Luke called her baby girl all the time. I was just Alicia.

We started to play then and I was delighted to find this stranger was quite the skilled player. My dad use to play with me all the time and he was in fact my first coach but since mom got pregnant again he's been consumed with my baby sister and taking care of mom. I was pretty sure after Bailey they would have thought they had enough kids but apparently not.

When he he scored twenty I gave a laugh and placed my hands on my knees to catch my breath. "For a guy who smokes you have a pretty good endure." I laughed.

He smirked at me and tossed me the ball. "Things like that don't affect shifters little wolf."

I stood there shocked. I hadn't realized he was a wolf.

"Oh I thought...I didn't know you were a wolf."

The man wrinkled his nose at me and straightened his spine. "I'm not a wolf. How could you think I was a puny wolf? I'm a tiger." He said proudly.

I frowned at him angrily. "Wolves aren't puny!"

He chuckled and looked at me amused. "Of course they're not princess." he said almost mockingly.

Growling at him I bared my fangs. I was startled when he growled back in return baring fangs way bigger than mine. I shrunk back feeling the first string of fear.

Noticing my fear he stopped glaring and softened his eyes. "Don't be scared Princess I would never hurt you." He walked forward and gently rubbed his thumb along my cheek. 

The ring of my phone jerked me away and I quickly ran to it. 

"Oh umm well it was nice to meet you but I have to go my boyfriend's waiting for me." 

I threw my bag over my shoulder and looked to the man. 

As I walked away he called out to me. 

"Hey Princess?"


"I'm Hunter by the way."


"I'll see you around Princess."

"Yeah okay."  I smiled pleased. Maybe I had a new friend.


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