Chapter 2

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I moaned as those spark like feelings coursed through me.

I gasped as he picked me up my legs automactilly wrapping around his waist. He kissed me even hungrier as I racked my nails down his back. It was like my mind was suddenly clouded with lust and all my common since flew out the window. Just like the last time we'd been together.

I barely noticed when he started walking. "First door on right." I moaned as he kissed down my neck.

I squealed when he threw me on the bed his eyes glowing that strange blue I'd only seen but that one time.

He roughly pulled his shirt over his head his muscles rippling. My breath caught as he slowly crawled onto the bed reminding me of a large cat about to catch its prey.

"Adain" I rasped. A growl like sound erupted from his chest. He roughly jerked my pants off me my black thong quickly following. In seconds he had me completely naked under him his glowing eyes racking over my form. He growled again his large hands skimming along my sides. He looked into my eyes and something shifted in his gaze. He reached down and softly pecked my lips once twice. He gently spread my legs his eyes locked into mine.

He leaned down and kissed my forehead, my nose, my cheeks, then my lips. When he pulled away he swiftly rid him self of his pants revealing he went commando. Hunger overwhelmed me at the sight of him. I handnt been with anyone since that night years ago. I moaned as he ran a finger down my soaked slit before thrusting two long fingers inside me. I dug my nails into his back as my climax drew closer and closer. Just as I was reaching my peak he pulled his fingers away but before I could complain he thrust into me his hard length stretching me deliciously.

I came shuddering and crying out making Adian groan. He whispered something before he began moving.

"Adain ohhh god baby yes!" I whispered. He began to move faster and faster and before I knew I was coming again. Everything was becoming blur of moans and pleasure and all I could was let it wash over me. When the world around me exploded and I saw the stars it was like I was floating outside my body.

Gradually our breathing calmed and he rolled off me making me whimper at the lose. "Adain I-"

"Shhh its late sleep." He whispered wrapping a arm round my waist. I mummer an agreement and close my eyes feeling myself drift into sleep. I could hate myself later for this.


I woke up my ears automatically picking up the noise of Mike talking to the girls and Stan messing around in the kitchen. I groaned and buried my face into my pillow only to realize a large arm was thrown over my very naked waist.

I jerked up causing Adain to groan and blink slowly sleep still in his eyes.

"You have to go now!" I hissed grabbing my robe off the floor.

Adain sat up and ran a hand through his hair before grabbing his phone from the floor and letting out a low curse.

"Damn. I'm late for work." He grunted quickly pulling on his pants.

Once he was dress he went to leave the room but I squeaked in alarm.

"Wait! Shit Stan and Mike can't see you. Oh hell why is this happening." I moan to myself.

Adain frowned at me. "What is my cousin doing in your house this early."

"None of your business." I snap moving into the hallway to see if the girls were still in their room which they were.

"Look last night was a huge mistake so please just leave before my kids see you." I said not meeting his eyes.

I knew last night meant nothing to him and he probably thought I was some cheap shank. The thought hurt so I pushed the words out before he could say them first.

His face was hard and emotionless as he nodded and left without saying another thing. I sighed in relief when I heard the back door close. I ignored the aching pain in my stupid heart and prepared for another day.

For two weeks Adain and I ignored each other. We were quite good at it too until Macy Reins came in dressed in a mini shirt and a top that was eight sizes too small. An I had thought she was tramp in high school.

She gave me a uninterested look before tapping her nails annoyingly on the counter.

"Can I help you?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"No but he can"she said smiling sweetly as Adian walked in a rag in his hands. The same hands that had...

I frowned as Macy fluttered her eyes at Adain and touched his arm babbling about a car that probably wasn't even broken.

I felt a little better when Adian just stared at her as he did with everyone else. A emotionless look that portrayed he had no interest in anything you were saying.

He nodded a bored look in his eyes and I could tell Macy was becoming dishearten. I looked down hiding me face as a smug smile crossed my lips. Macy had always been a bitch and thought just because she dressed a certain way men would fall to her feet. I was pleased to see Adain didn't fall into that category.

Though I didn't care if he messed with Macy or any other girl. I didn't.

At the end of the day I was startled when a hand touched my arm halting me.

Keys in my hand I turned to see Adain. My eyes automactilly went to the baby dolls in his hands.

He cleared his throat and awkwardly held them out to me. "Here um I thought your girls might like some of my sisters old toys."

I stared up at him in shock. He was giving me his sisters things? Not wanting to offend him knowing this had to mean something to him I gently took them from him.

"You didn't have..... Thank you Adain I'm sure they'll love them." I said pushing through the knot in my throat.

Adain gave a small shrug and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah...." A awkward silence fell over us and I cleared my throat taking a step back. "So uh I'll see you tomorrow I guess."

He said nothing but I could feel his eyes on me as I walked to my car.

For three months Adain would give me toys old and new for the girls. Their room was beginning to over flow with toys. The little brats were thrilled though so I didn't say anything and just thanked Adain every time he approached me a new toy in his hand. He had never even seen them yet he was acting.....well. I pushed the thought away.

As I stepped toward my desk a strong smell made my stomach turn I instantly spun and ran into the bathroom and lost my breakfast. I felt a large hand hold my hair back and another rub my back. When I was done I groaned and pushed back onto my heels and flushed the toilet.

With shaky hands I wiped my tears away.

"You okay?" He whispered. I nodded and winced hating that it was him who had seen me like this. He pulled me to my feet and sat me on top of the toilet.

I avoided his eyes as he kneel in front of me.

"This is the fourth morning you've gotten sick." He said his finger tips grazing my shoulder making that stupid feeling go through me.

I had been denying what I knew was true. I wasn't ready to face reality and here the root of my problem was forcing me to see it.

"Sidney are you....are you pregnant?"

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